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Kaminari awoke to soft murmurs filling the room. Denki squeezed the soft blanket, earning everyone's attention. Kirishima was immediately walked across the room, grabbing Denki's hand.

"Hey, you're awake," Kirishima ran his thumb over Denki's knuckles.

"Yeah, where are Sentaku and Shokku?" Denki asked, his sleepy eyes gazing up into Kirishima's.

Kirishima smiled and rolled his eyes," Of course that's your first question. Do you want me to get them?"


Kirishima let go of Denki's hand and left the room. Denki sat in silence, wondering what happed because he honestly couldn't remember. He looked up as he heard the door reopen. Shinso walked in, holding Shokku, and Kirishima holding hands with Sentaku.

"Bubba's awake!" Sentaku shotted, letting his hand leave Kirishima's.

"Shh, Sen, we're in a hospital, but come here," Denki opened his arms, letting his brother hope into his lap.

Sentaku snuggled into Denki's chest, rubbing his face int the crock of Denki's neck. Denki smiled and ruffled his brother's hair.

"Hey, is Shokku awake?" Denki asked as Shinso rocked Shokku back and forth.

"He's a sleepy boy," Shinso answered, rubbing the small boys back.

"You really are touch-deprived, huh," Kirishima said, slipping Shokku from Shinso's grasp.

Kirishima placed Shokku down next to Denki, watching the small boy curl into his brother's touch. Denki smiled softly and looked over toward his friends.

"So, what happened?"


It was the third day of Kaminari and the twins moving into Kirishima's house. The twins were playing with Kirishima while Denki unpacked their room. Shinso was helping Kaminari unpack while talking with him.

"How have you been since you got out?" Shinso asked, plopping himself on Kamianri's bed.

"Pretty good," Kaminari sat next to him, resting his head on Shinso's shoulder.

Shinso wrapped his arm around Kaminari, gently rubbing his side. Kaminari hissed and moved Shinso's hand down. Shinso hummed and rested his head atop Kaminari's as they watched Kirishima play with the twins. Kaminari had quickly fallen asleep on Shinso's shoulder causing, the purpled haired male to blush. Kirishima stood from his spot and walked over to Shinso as the twins continued to play.

"I'm guessing you like him too?" Kirishima asked.

"I think I do."


Kaminari woke up and panicked, sweat laying freshly against his skin. The moon was still high in the sky, simmering through the small bay window. Kaminari looked at his still sleeping brothers and sighed. Thank god!

Kaminari stood and made his way down the dark hallway holding his pillow tightly to his chest. He knocked on Kirishima's door before opening the door.

Kirishima opened his eyes lazily looking, at the sleepy, despite Kaminari," Do you want to talk?"

Kirishima sat up and turned on the light next to his bed. Kaminari nodded his head and came into the room, closing the door behind him and sat crisscross apple sauce on the edge of Kirishima's bed.

Kaminari opened his mouth to speak but instead loud sob tears already traveling down his face. Kirishima rubbed Kaminari's back as the blonde cried into his pillow.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start crying like this," Kaminari sniffled, leaning against Kirishima's torso.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Kirishima hummed.

"Do you mind if I lay here?" Kaminari pointed toward Kirishima's torso, a surprisingly submissive look suiting his face.

"Sure, make yourself at home."

Kaminari paced his pillow down and rested his head against it tear's still marked his pale skin. Kirishima took the time to observe the blonde who was practically laying in his lap at this point.

Kaminari's brown and grey freckles shined in the dimness of the night. His hair rested softly over his face, his golden eyes simmering from underneath it.

Damn, he's beautiful. Kaminari scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as his eyes fluttered closed.

"You know if you wanted to tell me, you could have just said it," Kaminari whispered, his expressions softening.

"Okay, I will next time," Kirishima mumbled as he turned off the light.

"Okay, goodnight," Kaminari nuzzled his face farther into the pillow, letting his dream float back into reality.


Kaminari awoke, his head still resting against Eijirou's torso. Eijirou looked so peaceful while he was asleep.

"Take a picture; it will last longer," Eijirou muttered rubbing, his eyes as he sat up.

Kaminari sat up as well, ruffling his hair. Kirishima smiled and winked at Kaminari. Denki blushed and picked up his pillow, rushing to the door.

"Thank's for letting me sleep here," He called as he ran down the hall.

Kirishima shook his head and got up, stretching his back. He started his daily routine, not wanting to think about Kaminari anymore that morning.


The twins were running in front of the teen's wanting to see who could run faster. Kirishima watched them closely as Shinso and Denki chatted. It was a quiet morning for the three, nothing unique happing.

Suddenly Shokku fell and scraped his knee, causing Kaminari to drop his conversation and rush to his brother. Kirishima took the opportunity to talk to Shinso.

"Are we telling him today?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think we need to," Shinso replied before walking up to Kaminari.

"Hey, is my bubba okay?" Denki asked Shokku with a smile.

"Uh-huh, it's just a scratch," Shokku answered, bouncing up and down in front of his brother.

"Okay, no more running. That includes you, Sentaku."

Sentaku nodded his head and continued walking with his brother. Denki stood from his squatting position and turned to his "friends." Shinso nudged Kaminari's shoulder with his and continued walking.


Denki was placing his books in his bag as his friends appeared in front of him, as per usual. He smiled and shook his head, zippering up his backpack. Kirishima nervously chewed his lip as Denki stood from his chair.

"Denki, we have something to tell you," He bluntly stated, wanting to catch the blonde's attention.

Kaminari's gaze met the redheads, trying to figure out what Eijirou meant before he told. Kirishima looked away from Denki and toward Shinso, hoping the purple-haired male would have something to add to the conversation.

"We like you, lot, like more than friends a lot. And we understand that this is going to take time and a lot of effort but, if you're willing, we would love to be with you.


Cliffhanger, how do y'all like that?

Anyway, loves, hope you're doing good while we have online classes; I know I'm not, but it's okay.

I hope you have a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.

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