Meet the family...

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Kaminari's left eye was purple and swelling. The male sniffled as he picked at an old scab, trying not to burst out crying once more. He anxiously sucked on his binky, trying not to think about how old he was and how "he was too old to be sucking on a binky." He was now seven and still sucked on a binky; it was one of his coping mechanisms.

Denki's parents gave him away when he was born. His mother was poor and sold her body for money, quickly becoming pregnant. His father wanted the "ugly prostitute" to get an abortion, but she refused. She kept the money and gave her son away; little did she know it would've been better just to save him.

Denki's younger siblings, Sentaku and Shokku Kaminari were still young. They are twins, each sharing their own similar traits to Denki. Sentaku was a lot more social for a two-year-old; he likes to walk and talk and cuddle. Shokku was less social but still enjoyed his brother's company.

Denki stood and walked over to his brother's crib, taking the crying baby from the crib. He gently picked up Sentaku, cradling and swooning over the baby. He quickly made a formula, shaking the bottle and feeding it to the upset baby. It worked and, the baby happily drank the bottle, settling down.

"I love you bubba's sleep well for me, okay?" Denki smiled and kissed his brother's forehead.

"Otay, bubs," The baby drooled, grabbing the edge of the crib as Denki placed him down.

Denki jumped as his "mother" screamed at his "father" for the hundredth time that day. Denki patted the baby's head and flicked off the lights slipping into his bed. He pressed the edges of his pillow to his head, trying to block out the noise of the yelling.


Denki pushed Sentaku, then Shokku back and forth on the swings, enjoying the giggles and "higher"'s from his siblings. Denki was happy, no adults to yell at him, no yelling, his siblings happy. He was having a good day with the twins. Denki was now nine and, his siblings were four.

Soon his siblings became bored with the swings and wanted to play on the equipment. Denki smiled and let his siblings go, finding a bench to sit at to watch them.

After a few hours, the twins were exhausted and wanted to go home. Denki slid from the bench, putting his hands out for his siblings to take, which they willingly did. The three made their way home, watching the sun start to set. Sentaku was happily telling Denki about the game they made up, while Shokku stayed quiet and observed the scenery.

"Doesn't it sound fun, Denks?!" Sentaku asked, bounding on the balls of his feet as they waited to cross the street.

"Sure does, bubba!" Denki exclaimed as he ruffled Sentaku's hair.

The three crossed the street, the twins letting go of Denki's hands to rush to the door. Denki made his way up the stairs of the stoop, hastily unlocking the door. The two adults who called themselves his parents were drunk and angry. Denki quickly dropped down into a squat, grabbing Sentaku's face.

"Sentaku, take Shokku upstairs to our room, okay?" Denki looked sternly into the other's eyes, pressing the twin's hands together.

"Okay! Will bubba be okay?" Sentaku blinked, not understanding what was happening.

"Bubba will be just fine, now hurry before mama and papa get mad!"

Sentaku smiled and pulled on Shokku hand, urging the latter to follow. The two ran up the stairs leaving Denki to await his fate. The woman sat on the couch pointed her pointer finger at the blonde, beckoning him to come closer. In the midst of all this, the two adults stopped fighting. Denki slowly approached, not wanting to be hit.

What is this feeling? { ShinKiriKami}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin