White Rose

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I walked through
An endless garden of roses
I wanted to choose the best
The most unique one

I walked, and walked
And saw various roses
With different tones
Individually beautiful
On their own

As I walk past,
I saw roses
I've already seen–
Pretty, yet ordinary

Until I saw,
A most special one
It caught my eye
Like nothing ever did
The purest of them all

Its charm captured me
Its color represented its soul
Pure and innocent,
Nothing else to look for

But then I thought,
There's thousands more
I not saw
So I continued,
And seek

Hopelessly walking,
I couldn't find
Anything more than it
Nor anything like it

And so, I stopped and realized
Indeed, 'twas the best one
That rose left me in awe
Its beauty remained in mind
And so I went back, to where it was—

But she was gone.

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