Chapter 2. Sleepless in Seattle.

Start from the beginning

I got out of the shower and put on my robe I had on the bathroom counter. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room where Franky sat chewing on a toy on my bed. I walked into my closet and picked out a long sleeve, blue, tie dye shirt and a pair of jeans and my black converse and began to get dressed. I left my converse on the bed and put on my slippers because I wasn't ready to go out yet. I walked into the living room and turned on the News. "Mass Shooting at Elementary School turns people upside down." I quickly changed the channel not wanting to cry this morning again after hearing for days about the shooting. I felt horrible about it really horibble but I didn't want to keep hearing about it. It really brought me down. I flipped the channel to SpongBob and walked into the Kitchen to make breakfast.

I poured a cup of Seattles Best Coffee into my favorite cup with the lips of Patricia Quinn on it and walked over to the bar in the kitchen and sat down. I picked up my book that I had thrown across the room last night and began to read.

After I finished my coffee and my eggs I walked into my room grabbed my purse with black fringe and my shoes and put them both on. I grabbed my phone sitting on the charger across the room and put it in my back pocket, gave Franky a kiss on his forehead, grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me as I set out for my day in Seattle.

Normally I started at Starbucks but I wasn't in the mood. Today I was going to go to Fremont. I was in THAT kind of mood. The mood where you just need to be loose and hang free. And that's what Freemont is all about. I had my day all planned out. I was going to get an essay finished for my application at Puget Sound and I was going to go to The Locks and then over to the Totem Pole for a milkshake, then head over to the shop at the market.

I was borrowing my dads car to get to Fremont. I didn't need one for me considering the fact that having one was kind of stupid. Seattle was a walking city and unless you take allot of road trips or work all the way across town you don't need a car. Just someone who has a car that you can use when you need to go all the way across town.


I stepped out of the blue car cautiously being the fact that I had parallel parked on a busy street next to the draw bridge in Fremont. I grabbed my purse and laptop case and walked over to the edge of the bridge and looked out where I saw a huge boat coming. The red lights began to flash signaling me to get off of the bridge because it was going to lift up soon. I walked hastily off and watched as the cars stopped at the light to the bridge. It lifted higher and higher in the air and finally stopped, almost at a 90 degree angle pointing practically straight up into the air. I left the drawbridge and headed to one of my favorite café's in Fremont "The Fremont Coffee Company." It served allot better coffee than Starbucks and had a very friendly atmosphere about it. My type of attitude today. Well my type of personality every day. It was just...Me.

I headed down the street toward the café as I looked st the sites around me. I saw the familiar center of the earth pole in the middle of a small well kept garden. I saw one of the best restaurants in town and one of Nicole 's favorite pubs "The Dubliner" It was nice pub just on the corner of Fremont Avenue. I continued on up the street, turned a few corners and finally reached the Fremont Coffee Company. I swung the door open that lead into the shop and saw some of the usual customers sitting in there usual spots. I walked up to the counter and smiled as I saw Adam walk over to the counter and smile at me. "Hey Marlie havnt seen you in here in a while, how you been?" I looked up at Adam, a young, shaggy haired boy with hazel eyes, as he spoke to me. "Yah I was on vacation for a while. I have been great. What about you? Gotten anyone else in here to help you?" I asked, curious about the lingering job opportunity sign that still hung in the front window of the quaint café. "As a matter of fact I have a kid coming in, in about 10 minutes. He is new here in town, I think his name was....Ah I dont remember, let me check on the resume" He said as he picked up a paper laying next to the register. "Ah yah the kid's name is Lucas, I think he's around your age, says here he just moved here from Spokane." My heart jumped the moment he said that Lucas, the blue eyed boy in the market, would be here in less than ten minutes. "Really, that is quite a coincidence being that I bumped into him on the street yesterday." I said, having a flashback of the moment just yesterday when Lucas had bumped into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt. "Really,do you want to help me show him how to get started he's not actually starting till next week when school starts he needs some money for college and says here he is going to be working after school shifts. He has a really detailed resume." Adam said, sounding impressed, my resume wasn't even that good and look at me, manager." He announced. "Clap for the young lad! You see he's manager, deserves it too!" I said switching to an Irish accent. The people sitting around the shop clapped for Adam, he took a very big bow while saying "Thank you, thank you." "Looks like I am going to be learning from the best." A voice that sounded too familiar said from behind me. I turned around and saw Lucas standing there looking handsome as ever. "Oh hey Marlie! Do you work here too?" He asked. I swore that his eyes lit up when he saw me, maybe just a small twinkle, I could have just been seeing things but regardless I was very happy to see him. "Hey Lucas! I don't work here but I drink this coffee religiously, the best stuff in town!" I said, holding up the coffee that Adam had already brewed for me while people were clapping for his job as manager."Oh..shame." He said, looking disapointed, still shooting me that look from his gorgeous blue eyes. "I come in here practically every day. Dont be too disapointed." I said, shooting him a smile and a look that said "I like you." I couldnt tell if he could see it in my eyes but i sure did feel it.

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