Going Out

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"I knew you would be here". A voice spoke from behind Stone. Stone stayed quiet while turning the chair in the direction to face the other agent. The agent grabs a chair and sits down infront of Stone. "look, I understand why you are acting like this, everyone forgets about it in an instant but you worked with him day in and day out for the last years, I don't know if he will ever come back, don't get your hopes to high and focus on work, who knows what you can achieve". She spoke. Stone gets up and starts to walk away without saying a word. "Aban". The agent says in a soft tone. Stone stops in his tracks. "he will be back, just so you wait". Stone says in a dark tone and continues to walk to the exit grabbing the pile of files he was working on yesterday and before they were called to listen to that speech. Stone walks through the halls with the files in his hands. He goes outside and sits down at a table there and grabs his laptop and the files. Normally he would be either in the van or his dorm. He opens the files folder and reads through it. At the moment he had a few files left to do he heard the female voice of the agent again. "there you are, your a hard man to find". She says and sits down at the table with him. Stone continues typing as nothing happened and stays silent in the progress. "have you eaten today?! I got sandwiches if you want one". She says while holding out some of the sandwiches. Stone gives a glance at them but then let's his vision slide to the screen of his laptop again. "you really miss him don't you". She says carefully and soft. Stone finishes up the last file and then closes his laptop with a bit more force then intentional. He looks at the other agent. "I can't help you if you don't open up". She says. "don't you have work to do?!" Stone asks with an annoyed tone. "I finished this morning and it seems like your work for today is also done". She replies with a faint smile. Stone rolls his eyes. "come on, let me see that beautiful smile of yours, let's do something fun today, we both can ask the rest of the day off". She says. "sorry, I got work to do". Stone says and gets up shoving his laptop back into his bag. "you just finished work, it will take only a second to get the rest of the day off, we'll go to a spa and maybe going out for a drink at night". She says while waving her phone showing the page of the spa. "I appreciate it but no thank you, I just need to get some work done". Stone says while wanting to walk away. "and done, now we are both the rest of the day off and I already booked the spa". She says with an innocent smile. Stone sighs. "fine but remember that I actually didn't want to come in the first place". He says. "already noted, now let's have some fun and well deserved rest". She says and takes stone by his arm dragging him along. They take her car and drive to the location and go inside to check in. Once they did they get taken to a room where they can change to get into the sauna. They both get changed and get into the sauna. The female agent looking over at Stone. "the military training really payed off well". She says and Stone looks at his exposed chest area. "mhm" he mumbles. She looks back straight ahead thinking about how to handle this situation. "so your single right?!". She asks. "not interested". He answers. "no, that's not what I ment, there must be someone you like at the agency". She says. "not really". Stone replies. "how so?! They're are hundreds of agents, there must be some of your type". She questions. "I don't like like anyone at the agency and I don't have a type". Stone says. "you sure?! Everyone has their type and love interests". She says. "yes I'm quite positive now please don't talk about relationships at work please". Stone answers. ''alright, sorry''. she says and keeps quiet for the rest hour. after the hour they get escourted to another room to get a massage. ''have you ever got a massage before by a professional?!'' she asks to start a conversation. ''every few months or so, recommended by well the doctor who now doesn't exist anymore, to stimulate the bloodflow, it's pure for practical reasons, to stay fit and healthy, so yes I have had a massage before from a professional''. he answers. "I didn't intend to begin about the doctor, I'm sorry". She says. "it's fine, I know what you are trying to do". He says. "you seem so sad from this morning when you heard the news till now, I just wanted to help to cheer you up a bit but the only thing what would make you truly happy again is the doctor's return". She says. "it just isn't fair, if they deserve a happy ending then why doesn't the doctor or me deserve it too". Stone says through his teeth. The female agent looks up at Stone a bit suprised considering that he is finally opening up a bit about it. "that stupid cop opened the portal and that hedgehog pushed robotnik through, I should have been there to stop it before it was to late but ofcourse he doesn't tell me about when he is going to chase sonic". Stone says frustrated. The female agent thinks and then says. "maybe he wanted to protect you, he knows you as the best by now, he knew if he told you, you perhaps wanted to stop him but in this situation it might have been the safe from his downfall. He miscalculated, he thought he could do this alone but clearly he needed backup but he didn't wanted to put you in such danger Aban". She says. "protect me?! Protect me from what?! I am the one who is supposed to protect him, if I would have been there perhaps I would have been stuck in that other dimension with him but at least he wouldn't have been alone there". He says with a teary voice and sits up and looks down. "he didn't want you to get hurt". The female says. Stone keeps looking down. "you know what, we will look for him and find him". The female says. Stone looks up. "you know that they don't want him back and if they find out that you or I am looking for him that their will be consequences". Stone says. "if searching for the doctor and finding him makes you happy then yes I will do it". She says. She looks at the time. "Time for our manicure". She says and sits down on a chair. Stone sits down next to her on a chair. "we first need to figure out what dimension he is in, what the coordinates are". Stone says. "we will figure it out". She says while getting her nails done. Stone grabs a notebook and a pen and starts to write things down. While his right hand is writing his left hand is being treated. Then he switches to writing with his left hand and getting his right hand treated. "you are right and left handed". She says. "yes, same handwriting, the doctor insisted to get me to learn to write with left, I was first just right handed, if I have an injury on my arm then I could still write with the other so that's why". Stone says. "you had to learn a lot of things, doctors orders ofcourse". She says. "yeah, such as different languages and lots of practical stuff too". Stone says. "he made you it difficult by the looks of things". She says. Stone chuckles. "sort off". He says. She smiles and stays quiet for a while. "you getting a color on your nails?!". He asks. "yeah". She answers. "me too". He says and picks out the color black. She giggles and picks out a turquoise color. After the color is on their nails they let it dry and show it to eachother. "not gonna lie, nail polish actually suits you in a odd way". She says. He smiles. "thanks, I was never allowed to use nail polish from the doctor, to feminine he always said". He says with a bit of a soft sad chuckle. They thank the people who polished their nails and got their jackets and paid for the treatment. "you know, we can also shop for some new clothes for you since you don't need to work every day or not throughout the whole day anymore". She says. "I do need some new pants and shirts yeah". Stone says. They go to the shops and get Stone some new jeans and shirts and sweaters. "let's eat somewhere, I'm craving some Italian right now". She says and Stone nods. They go to an Italian restaurant and order. It stays pretty quiet throughout the eating. When they we're waiting for food Stone would write down stuff in his notebook. Once they finished eating they pay for it and start to walk to her car. "thank you for this afternoon". Stone says. "your welcome". she answers with a smile. They get into her car and Stone looked out of the window throughout the trip. She drove to his house. "well bye then, see you tomorrow". Stone says. "bye, see ya". She says. Stone gets out of the car and walks up to his house waving before he goes inside. Once inside he dropped himself onto his bed and fell asleep after a long day.

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