Day 3: Wednesday

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I thought all night on what happened, after Farkle walked me home... Is it possible that I'm falling in love with Farkle Minkus? No, it can't be. Can it? He's my best friend and can annoy me sometimes, but I care about him; he's a little birdie that needs to be protected. Not going to lie, I never had my first kiss until now... Farkle was my first kiss. You know how they say that your first kiss is always magical and save it for that special someone? Is it weird that I actually enjoyed it and wait... Was Farkle my special someone? Just when I couldn't wait for this week to end, I don't want it to end? Ugh, stupid feelings.

I glanced over at my alarm clock and saw that it was 3 in the morning. Only 3 hours left til I wake up... I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Maya, there's something I have to say," Farkle said quite nervously, looking down at the ground.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at him.

"Forget it, it's stupid." Farkle playing with his hands, still looking at the ground.

"Farkle, you can tell me anything." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Maya, you know that I always had a crush on you since the first grade, but the kiss? That's something I'll never forget. I love you, Maya Hart." Farkle, looking straight into my eyes as he said that.

"I-I..." I was cut off with Farkle's lips on mine and I kissed back.

I instantly woke up. I rolled over and saw that it was 5:30. Just an hour left til I wake up and now I can't go back to sleep. I need to tell someone and I can't wait in a couple of hours when I'm at Riley's apartment to tell her on what happened between Farkle and I. She's probably still asleep, so I don't want to bother her. No, I know who to call and come over... It's the last person I would ever call in this type of situation and I can't believe I'm actually doing this; I pulled out my cell phone and started calling the person.

I was sitting on my bed, thinking over on the kiss and if I could be falling in love with Farkle Minkus. I jumped a little when I heard a knock on my window, so I opened the curtains.

"Hey thanks for coming," I said opening the window and moving to the side, so the person could get in.

"Anytime, Maya." Lucas said, coming in through the window and sitting down on my bed, "So, what's so important that you want to talk about?"

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out, "I think I'm in love with Farkle."

Lucas' eyes looked like they were about to fly out of his sockets. He had his mouth wide open, so I tried to close it, but it didn't work.

"Can you close your mouth? If I'm going to talk to you about something personal, at least say something, Lucas." I said with my arms crossed over.

He closed his mouth and finally said, "I'm sorry, Maya. I'm just shocked."

"I was too at first, but I don't know... Is it possible that I'm falling in love with him?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.

"Is it because of the bet?" Lucas asked as he raised his eyebrow.

I looked down at the floor, not saying anything.

"Maya, what happened?" Lucas asked, looking straight at me while I avoid eye contact from him.

"I might've kissed him..." I mumbled real fast, still looking down.

"What?" Lucas asked, since he couldn't hear what I just said.

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