Chapter One

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A bit of backstory:

Y/N was born with an unusual amount of mana despite being a peasant and with lightning magic, something also uncommon where she was born and raised. She lived in a very friendly little village and was always out of the house playing around with the other kids, she's always been an extrovert and was never scared of talking to someone new. After receiving her Grimoire, half of one of the leaves was missing. Her father was a very loving and brave man, always smiling and making sure her mother was very wise and kind, but she later passed away due to an illness soon after she received it, the people in the Royal Capital who know of her mother's illness never even told the higher ups and refused to give her treatment, causing her father to resent nobles and royals, her father began drinking more and more and even started blaming her mother's death on her as her health began to go down faster after she received the grimoire. He was convinced it was cursed and was abusive, when she was 18 she finally ran away and in the next couple of months stayed with multiple kind people who offered her food and shelter. When she was 19 she heard of the Magic Knights Exam being held soon and decided to go since she had just moved out of the house she was staying in.

I'm honestly kind of winging this so sorry if it's bad 
Oh also u can't ride brooms for some reason ok read time
Also I'm skipping the exams cuz I'm bad at writing fight scenes

Solid P.O.V

I stood impatiently at the entrance of the exams, waiting for Nozel and Nebra to come back with that stupid peasant, I'll admit she had strong magic but she's still a disgusting street rat. Finally, I saw him walking back towards us, with another girl I didn't even see in the exams, not that I was looking at any of those disgusting vermin anyway.

"Finally, I get that you have disgusting street filth tailing you but it shouldn't take that long," I said, getting up off of the wall. Nebra smirked as I said that.

"This is Sophie, she is of the noble house of Andrei, who are friends with the Royal house of Kira and they have requested that she joins the Silver Eagles,"

"At least we have someone decent joining this year," I walked off, not even bothering to hear him introduce that disgusting peasant, who cares if he'd scold me later, that's a problem for future me. Why did he even choose her? She was just zoning out the entire time we were just talking

Nozel didn't bother trying to reason with me anyway, he was already sick of this day and so was Nebra and I, Nebra hadn't said anything yet but I knew that she was thinking the same as me. 

I walked next to my siblings who were on my right and Sophie was on my right. We walked in an awkward silence towards the spatial mages door,

"To the Silver Eagles HQ I presume?" The mage asked us,

"Yes, thank you," Nozel said coldly, intimidating the mage a little,

"Go right on through now," he said, opening his door once more and letting us pass through,

"Thank you!" I heard a cheerful voice, an unfamiliar voice, I looked back to see that vermin waving happily, how disgusting for her to think she could ever be properly accepted as one of the prideful and powerful Silver Eagles.

"Y/N, Sophie, I'll lead you to your rooms, Solid I need you to come with me too," Nozel said, already walking off,
"Why do I have to come?" I mumbled under my breath and began walking after them, so Y/N's her name? Not a bad name for a street rat, I must admit. I continued to walk, I recognized this route... It led to..

"Nozel, why are we heading in the general direction of my room?" I finally asked, adding the 'general' just in case we were going to take some turn into some strange 

"You may not like it but we're short on rooms due to so many people joining lately, the only two rooms left are the rooms next to yours," He said, stopping near my grand door.

"Y/N will be on the left of your room and Sophies will be on the left of Y/N's," Nozel said, glaring at me, "Is that alright with you?" It wasn't much of a question, it was more like a demand,

"Y-yes Captain Nozel..." I said, looking down.

Nozel walked away to who knows where and I looked at the two rookies in anger, I stomped into my room and slammed the door, going straight to my bed and laying down.

Solid Silva x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ