Back to school agreement

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"Wearing in a sick suit and trying to get rid of it?" Huo Yan leaned back in the back seat, closing her eyes, closing her eyes in a reluctant manner.

"Yes, even if you want to make a fuss, this facade can't be saved, can't you really remember us? Shouldn't it." Song Liwu whispered a few words and then turned around and left.

Shuxin came to the door, and the doorman asked her to show her student ID. She had dropped out of school for more than a month. Where else is the student ID?

Shuxin responded quickly, and he thought of a way to lower his eyebrows.

She lied to the bathroom, saying that she was sick and went to the hospital on leave. It happened that she was wearing a sick suit, and she reported the names of several teachers, and the doorman let her in.

After five years, seeing the familiar school again, the feelings are mixed.

The scene when I dropped out was like yesterday, vividly remembered.

She wholeheartedly wanted to restore the relationship between her and Xiao Ruize, ignoring her father's outburst, and left school with all her will.

That time, Shu Youkang completely broke off her father and daughter relationship.

Shu Xin raised his head slightly, forced the wetness out of his eyes, and secretly swear in his heart: Dad, Xin'er will surely become your pride.

When Shu Xin came to the door of the principal's office, she had already figured out how to persuade the principal to accept her again.

Reached and knocked on the door, getting permission to gently push the door in. "Principal."

Wang Dongliang raised his head to see that it was comfortable, frowning, "Aren't you dropping out of school? Why are you still in school?"

Shu Xin came to the desk and stood still, "I want to go back to school and go back to school."

Wang Dongliang's eyebrows tightened even more, "Are the rules and regulations of your school as a decoration? If all students will learn to play like you, drop out of school today, and come back to school tomorrow, then my principal still has free time ?"

Wang Dongliang would refuse, and in the comfort of his expectations, Shuxin said unhurriedly: "If the final mock exam I am admitted to the top three of the whole department?"

A light flashed in Wang Dongliang's eyes, but soon disappeared. Shuxin's grades were not even excellent, and it was a good day, and she had dropped out of school for more than a month. There are so many courses in the middle. How can you enter the exam? The top three?

It's a fantasy!

Wang Dongliang directly said: "Impossible, you know how much you weigh a few pounds."

Shu Xin lifted his lips slightly, and the smile on the corner of the lips was full of confidence. "If I enter the top three of the whole department, you will let me go back to school and go back to school. If I fail to enter the exam, I will leave the school immediately."

Wang Dongliang looked at Shu Xin with questioning face, obviously not convinced that she could pass the top three in the whole department.

Shu Xin went on to say: "Please ask the principal to give me a chance, and give yourself a chance. This will not cause any loss to you. If I pass the top three of the whole department and the results are there, other students will not gossip. , And you have another good student, do you have light on your face, do you?"

Shu Xin knows that Wang Dongliang is a person who loves face very much and values ​​his reputation, so that she can always sit firmly on the throne of President A. She has grasped his weakness.

When she returned to school, Wang Dongliang disagreed mainly because he was afraid of others talking, as he said, school rules and regulations are not decoration.

However, school rules and regulations can be properly relaxed in front of eugenics.

You are awesome. You can also take the first three exams in a whole department to make sure you don't go to school every day.

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