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Chapter Ninety-Six: Afraid of the Wife?

Zhao Xin Hong was one of the captains of the guard and could be said to be experienced, but when he thought of Wang Fei and her servant girls, he finally understood where the saying came from that women should not be offended.

"Wang Fei and the servant girls are this." Zhao Xing Hong gave a thumbs up to Mu Tong and then shook his head. "One cannot judge based on appearances, really cannot judge based on appearances."

A scholarly person like Wang Ye would probably have to move back in front of someone as strong as Wang Fei. A woman who was beautiful and skilled in martial arts was someone whom most men could not accept.

"Our wang ye is also this!" Zhao Xin Hong gave thumbs up with both of hands, his face filled with admiration.

Mu Tong: "..."

Martial artists were martial artists—there were problems with their heads!

After Yan Jin Qiu accompanied Hua Xi Wan back to the wang fu, he turned round and charged into the imperial palace with anger on his face.

Ever since the Crown Princess had hung herself, Qilong Emperor became even more short-tempered, and the people in the palace would avoid being in his presence. Even so, in these short few months, Qilong Emperor had aged greatly.

When he heard that Xian Wang Fei had been the target of an attempted assassination, he was both shocked and angry. After a moment, he said, panting, "Summon Xian Wang."

"Emperor." When Yan Jin Qiu entered the hall, his eyes turned red before he spoke. He knelt in the center of the hall and said in a choked-up voice, "Emperor, this subject-nephew and Wang Fei are husband and wife, and deeply in love. Once, due to the guards' carelessness, an assassin entered the fu and harmed her. This subject had already felt extremely remorseful. Who would imagine that assassins dared to act in broad daylight. Fortunately, the guards protected her with their lives, otherwise..."

Yan Jin Qiu almost wasn't able to continue. A thread of terror appeared on his handsome face. "If Wang Fei were gone, this subject-nephew would want to go with her."

"Nonsense! You are a man; you cannot act like this." Qilong Emperor wanted to lecture Yan Jin Qiu, but seeing him act so out of his mind, he did not say anything. He could only comfort him. "Zhen heard this—is your wang fei all right?"

"Fortunately, my wife had learned some skill at defending herself from her maternal family. When the assassins attacked, she managed to last a few attacks and survive. But she was frightened, and fainted into sleep before we returned to the fu." Yan Jin Qiu stared with bright eyes at Qilong Emperor. "Please, Emperor, help this subject-nephew."

Qilong Emperor was also displeased, but this was not directed at Yan Jin Qiu but at someone else. After this event occurred, the first person he suspected was Yan Bo Yi.

That was because the rumors that he would be passing the throne to Yan Jin Qiu had grown in Jing. How could the ambitious Yan Bo Yi stand still? Who in Jing did not know how much Xian Wang loved Xian Wang Fei? If Xian Wang Fei died, Xian Wang would naturally be extremely affected, and it was unknown what reckless things he would do then.

"Zhen knows." Qilong Emperor nodded and said, "Go back and keep your wang fei company. Zhen will immediately send someone to investigate this matter."

It was not easy to find the mastermind after the event. Most of the time, a scapegoat was found. Qilong Emperor and Yan Jin Qiu both knew this but no one said it.

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