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Chapter Twenty-Three: Anger

"Junwang Ye, you have returned?" Hou shi was embroidering a pouch by the window. Seeing Yan Bo Yi come in, she put down what she had in her hands and took in front of Yan Bo Yi the cup of tea a servant girl had poured. Seeing that his expression was unhappy, she asked considerately, "Is there something that is not going well?"

"Nothing." Yan Bo Yi took the teacup and had a sip. He waved for the servants in the room to leave before he said, "This case is connected to many people. In the next few days, if anyone comes to the fu to ask for details, just pretend to not know."

Because Yan Bo Yi rarely talked about affairs of the outside with Hou shi of his own accord, Hou shi rejoiced when she saw he was willing to mention this matter to her. She then said worriedly, "Is the culprit someone from a prestigious family?"

Yan Bo Yi shook his head and didn't want to speak about it. "Have the servants send up the meal."

Seeing this, Hou shi knew that he would not continue to discuss outside matters with her. She was slightly disappointed, but she still sent someone to arrange the evening meal and helped Yan Bo Yi change out of his outer robe.

The two silently finished eating. When Hou shi saw Yan Bo Yi remaining seated rather than leave, she hesitated and then said, "Junwang Ye, the day is still early. Why don't we go for a walk in the garden. I heard the servants say that the lilies in the garden are both fragrant and beautiful..."

"Let's speak of this tomorrow. Later, I have to go back to the Judicial Office to work on this case." Yan Bo Yi stood up from his seat and spoke with an indifferent expression. "I'll have to trouble you to spend more effort on the fu."

"What are you saying?" Hou shi warmly put an insect-repelling pouch on his waist. "I am your junwang feiit is my duty to manage the wang fu. There is no trouble to speak of. Although it is early summer, the night is still cold. Take care not to get cold."

Yan Bo Yi made a sound of acknowledgement. After the pouch was securely tied, he walked out of the room.

Hou shi looked at the empty room and her smile slowly faded. She looked dazedly outside. She thought of the Crown Prince's Fu with its numerous qie and tongfang. She then thought of the two tongfang in her fu who were not favored, and the sense of emptiness inside her instantly disappeared without a trace.

In Xian Junwang Fu, Mu Tong had the servants secretly scoop out the goldfish that had died due to overfeeding by Junwang Ye and Junwang Fei. He then had people switch them out for lively goldfish before he released a breath. It really was not not easy to find in two to four hours so many goldfish with such bright scales and that were energetic. But Junwang Ye had ordered them to conceal from Junwang Fei what had happened to the goldfish. It had really worried him.

"Chief Steward Mu, what to do with these goldfish?" The young manservant looked at the bucket half-full of fish and didn't know what to do.

"Of course they are to be buried. Do you need me to teach you about such a small matter?" Mu Tong waved his hand impatiently. "All right, take care of this as soon as possible. Do not let Junwang Fei find out."

"Yes." The little manservant didn't dare to dawdle and hurriedly lifted the bucket of fish with another manservant and hurried off.

Mu Tong patted at the two droplets of water on his outer robe. He took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands as he said to the other servants, "Work hard. If someone gossips, you do not need to speak in the future."

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