Chapter One

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July 14th 2020, specifically my 17th birthday. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life finding my soulmate who I will have my forever with, oh how was it a shock when I found out the news...lets go to the start of the day....

I woke up through my mom and dad coming into my bedroom and singing happy birthday to me

"Blow out the candles, sweetie" my mom said to me while putting the cake in my face. As I blew out the candles my dad chucked some keys onto my lap.

"Happy Birthday Rosa" I looked at my lap to notice they weren't just any key but car keys to be specific.

"No way Dad. Thank you so much!!"

"You've got to pass your driving test first, that's just waiting on the driveway until you do."

"Well sweetie we will leave you to start getting ready for the BBQ, people will start arriving soon." you see every birthday our pack has a BBQ to celebrate us all growing up, it's basically like a big family.

I jumped into the shower, then put my clothes on, which is my wedged heels with my peplum skirt and a blouse with swallows on, I then put my make up on and curled my hair. See even though I do a public service course doesn't mean I'm not going to dress girly hate when people pre-judge just over the smallest things, it's so annoying.

I walk down the stairs and into the back garden where I'm greeted by the Alpha of our pack and our Luna, they are like my second set of parents seeing as though they are my best friend's mom and dad, but they are like that with everyone.

"Happy Birthday Rosa! "Lindsay and Nick say while they both squish me in a hug.

"Thank you. Has Nathan arrived yet?"

"Yes, sweetheart he's over by the food table of course, he's brought his new boyfriend with him they are very serious I've never seen him so happy before." Lindsay told me

"Okay thank you, I'll see you two later."

I spot Nathan's blonde spiky hair and start running towards him when I notice an arm wrapped round his body, I follow the arm to see whom it belongs. A lad with black/brown hair that's longer than Nathan's but still quite short and is styled in a messy sort of way, he has bright blue eyes like the sea with a hint of grey in them, he seems to be about 6'5 with muscles and sleeve tattoos. He is wearing a tight black t-shirt wear I can see his chest tattoo popping out and skinny jeans with converse. He looks like a god with how good looking he is.

When I get near Nathan I jumped on top of his back, which in return he squealed like a little girl I ended up falling of his back from laughing so much.

"ROSA!!" Nathan screams while picking me up and bringing me into a bone crushing hug.


"Oh crap, sorry Rosa. I'd like to introduce to my boyfriend Brian Mathew Jonson." I turn towards the godlike man and wait for him to speak.

"Nath, I told you thousands of times i prefer to be called Matt for short." He speaks with a deep voice that's, so man like, while sticking his hand out towards me. I shake his hands while looking in his eyes and start to feel the sparks all over my arm that's touching his arm and it feels like we are the only two people on earth. He's my mate..My Mate is GAY!!..I snap out of my daze as soon as I notice his bright blue/grey eyes turn from shock to disgust in seconds...oh god what's going to happen now? is there something wrong with me, I mean I know I'm not perfect cause I'm tiny compared to him but is there any need to look at me like that? all these questions kept running through my head.

"Nice to meet you Matt" I decided to speak so that Nathan did not suspect anything is wrong.

My Mate Is Gay....Wait WHAT?!?!Where stories live. Discover now