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"what do you mean you're going to the dance with iseul?" junkyu asked. the two, jihoon and junkyu had met up after school at junkyu's house to play some video games. 

junkyu furrow his eyebrows when jihoon didn't bother to ask him, "is she really over me?"

jihoon sighed, putting his control down. "i'm giving you a chance."

"what do you mean, a chance? you're her date to the dance when i wanted to be the one who takes her out." junkyu pouted and slump in his seat. 

jihoon stared at the younger male, "steal her from me then." 

"what do you mean?" junkyu asked, also putting his controller down. 

"at the dance, i'm giving you a chance to steal her and talk to her." jihoon says, returning back to his video game.

junkyu was about to ask what he meant again, but decided against it. junkyu only sighed and returned back to the video game as well. 


"does this look okay?" i asked yubin the moment she had stepped out of the fitting room. yubin cocked her head, "i hate flowy floral dresses, you remind me of my grandma." yubin closes her eyes and sighs as she leans her head back against the wall. 

i sighed, this was the 56th dress i've tried on. "okay okay, i know my fashion sense are horrible. do you want to choose for me?" 

yubin opens her eyes and jumps, wiggling her eyebrows. she rummages through the set of dresses she and i have chosen earlier. "this one!" she picks it out. 

it was an ice blue off the shoulder dress with a skirt that was high-low. "i would've chosen a more revealing dress, however you're too innocent for that. don't want to corrupt you yet, babygirl." yubin joked. 

i only blinked and forced a laugh as i tried on the dress. "okay, does it look good?"

yubin smirked, "jihoon is going to faint once he sees you."

i broke the news to yubin about going to the dance with yubin. her reaction was a little unexpected, she only let an "oh," of course i had told her it was only as friends. 

"i'll take that as a yes it looks good then," i playfully rolled my eyes before heading back to the fitting room to change out of my dress. 

"are you not getting anything for yourself?" i asked as we walked to the cashier. 

"no, i don't think i'll be going to the dance." she looks at her nails. "homecoming dances were always boring, i don't really wanna spend $5."

i nodded, "so.. you're not gonna ask junkyu to the dance?" 

yubin laughed, "why would i ask him? i only said so to see if you still liked him. based off your reaction, i'm assuming that you do." yubin smiles, "besides, have you not heard the rumors about me?"

i don't deny her claim, i awkwardly looked elsewhere. "what rumors?" 

she sighs, "that i like women." i shake my head, "i haven't, why are you asking?"

yubin sighs once again, "i'm telling you this because i trust you, even though i finally talked to you last week. but you're a good person." yubin smiles, "the rumors are true, i'm lesbian,"

i smiled, "there's nothing wrong with that, you're completely valid and allowed to have a crush on anyone you like. don't let anything stop you." i said truthfully. 

yubin smiled, "you should really take your own advice, don't let anything stop you from falling in love. thank you though." she sniffed, "anyways, i'm out but not out out yet? my mom knows but my dad doesn't. some of my friends know, but not all of them. so if you could, please keep it on the low until i'm ready." 

i nodded, recalling her words. 

you should really take your own advice. 


i stayed after school to do some last minute studying in the library. the semester was ending soon, that meant grades were going to be final soon. i wanted to at least finish studying the portion i had left before the school dance took place tomorrow. 

as i finished studying and was notified about the library closing soon, i packed up my things and walked out of the library. 

and for the first time, i ran into junkyu.

he smiled, awkwardly throwing a hand up. "hi."

stunned, "hey." i say, smiling back. 

"so.. you're going to the dance?" he asked, i nodded in response.

it was at that moment, i just wanted to pull him in and tell him that i wished it was him who i was going to the dance with. 

or am i still afraid?

i studied his face as we stood in front of each other in this empty hallway. i noticed how his bangs were less messier than before, he probably had gotten a small trim. i cleared my throat after noticing how long i was staring at him.

"i'm going too.. i'll see you there?" he says, i nodded once again. 

"great!" he smiles before walking off, once he does i take a deep breath. 

"hey, iseul?" i flinched and turn around at his voice. 

"i'm still waiting for you, just know that. take your time." 

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