Chapter 15

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*sorry guys that it is shorter than normal... but you know cliffhangers... you have to put them in there  at somepoint... but anyway i am soooo happy! 338 views and still rising. i have so many people to thank so i will list them and give proper dedications as soon as i can!

1)kaitlin2241... thank you so much for adding me to your reading list! i am so glad you enjoy what i am writing :)

2) jayjonahjamensonr and monse1231 for being my emotional backbone and  for constantly asking me to update.. it's good motivation... i know these people in real life and they're awesome!

3) also to all my new followers...XxLovelyinsanityxX, xoxo_cocoacupcake, xxlolliexxx, blueshaded, betlinsky, you guys are part of the reason i continue writing this thing!

4) thank you to all my readers because of you i have the motivation to keep writing this mess! 

*oh and um... so i need a good ship name for Alex and Emily... i can't think of any and trust me one is needed.. soooo for all my shippers..  if you could give me an idea or two it would be greatly appreciated...

After about thirty minutes Emily was waking up, she sounded groggy but she was awake. She closed her eyes again and then fell asleep which surprised me. “Why is she sleeping again?” “It is probably the affects of the sedative, but while she is asleep I will change her tubing so it is portable and not making her feel uncomfortable.” The doctor replied. I looked down at Emily and squeezed her hand. The Alpha watched us carefully and was sending daggers toward the doctor the entire time.

            Ten minutes after he changed the tubing Emily woke up she held her hand to her forehead and slowly sat up. “Are you okay?” she looks at me and grins widely, oh great here comes another incident with the morphine all over again. What did I get myself into? I look towards the Alpha pleadingly, he gave me a sympathetic smile. “ I’m fine Lexy Poo!” she cooed. The Alpha clears his throat and she turns his attention to him. She immediately gets up out of the bed. We both rush over to her before she falls face first onto the linoleum tile. “Daddy!” she whisper yells. She wraps her arms around his waist, he was surprised by the gesture but then smiled warmly. I chuckle and he sends me daggers. 

When we finally pried Emily off the Alpha the doctor took Emily and me to a special room, it must be a therapy room because Emily immediately backed away she refused to enter it just like a little child. She pouted and puppy dog eyed the alpha begging for a different room. The Alpha nodded to the doctor and they lead us to a different room. It had a little refrigerator, a Tv and a couch and a recliner. Emily ran in, sat in the recliner, and leaned it back completely. I walked over to the couch and sat down, I made eye contact with the Alpha, he nodded and the two of the adult males left closing the door.

I never felt nervous around Emily but right now, my nerves were racking up a storm. What was she hiding from me? Also Emily and drugs sooo do not mix, she was a loopy disaster, I looked over at her climbing the chair like a monkey. I shook my head at her cuteness, she was a weirdo but she was my weirdo. She locked eyes with me, smiled, and then walked over to where I was lied back, relaxing.  She nuzzled her head into my chest and laid next to me, she sighed and closed her eyes. I stroked my fingers through her hair, getting them caught in her vast curls. She laughed as I struggled to get them free. With one fell swoop she got them untangled for me and sat up. Her hair fell around her shoulders in a perfect display. Goddess, she was beautiful, she smiled at me and hugged me.

“Emily?” she kept her body flung over mine, embracing me in her grasp. “Yes Lexy poo?” I groaned. “Emily…” she sighed “Alex…” I could practically feel her eyes rolling at me.

“Why did you say your dad was dangerous..” “What are you talking about?” she said feigning ignorance; she definitely knew what I was talking about because I felt her tense against my shoulders. “Emily...” I said with a warning tone in my voice. She sighed and sat up so I could see her. She sat on my lap straddling me, but I simply ignored the gesture. “Tell me what you meant!” she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. She starts bouncing as she starts to think, she does that quite a bit in class but I grew quite uncomfortable with that movement at the moment. I sat up quickly, walked over to the door and started pacing awkwardly.  She could be so dense at times, it killed me, she was a tease and she didn’t even know that she was. I felt myself mentally rolling my eyes at her denseness. She maybe dense but I loved her, all of her from her personality to her amazing curves to her very curly poofy hair. She looked at me confused I blushed and looked away. As I was pacing around the room, I didn’t notice Emily get up until she was hugging me, her face implanted into my shoulder blades. I instinctively smiled and pulled her into a soft hug. I lifted her up and placed her on my lap facing away as I sat down on the couch. I wrapped my arms around her protectively and she relaxed into my arms.

“Now Emily, can you tell me why your father is dangerous?” she stayed silent for a few moments and sighed. “He killed her.”

*hey guys it's me again... i will be publishing second chances once again only a little more editted.. i hope you guys read comment vote and fan...  sooooo have fun! don't forget to enjoy yourself as you read.. because thats what makes reading and writing so much fun! well to me at least.. an escape from reality! :) <3

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