Chapter 6

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* I apologize greatly. you know how holidays can get. However, as an apology gift I will publish THREE yes three chapters today :) thank you my lovely readers

“Goddess, Emily! Remind me never to let you take morphine again!” he complained as he took me home from my week long stay at the pack hospital. I looked out the window with a gazed expression on my face, and then I turned suddenly to Alex. “Guess what!” I didn’t give him time to answer. “Remember that short story for Comp I wrote in seventh, well I’m turning it into a novel. I’m going to let you be the first to read it.” We pulled up to my house. “Really Emmz?” he hugs me tightly. It was the first time he’s done that since he turned sixteen. I closed my eyes and relished the hug for every second I possibly could. He suddenly pulls away. “I really appreciate this, you really don’t know how much this means to me” he smiles. Goddess I loved that smile. He opens the car door and helps me out. He walks me to the house and opens my door. “Hey, do you want to stay over, I’m nervous that I will pass out again” not really. Sorry Alex that I lied. “That’s an outright lie Emily.” He says with a sneaky grin. I cave in. “okay you’re right but I do want you to spend the night.” He sits in thought for a few moments pondering something. “I will make that really good chicken!” “Deal.” I smile. That chicken is more of a weakness than his hugs are for me, and that’s saying something right there. I wonder if David will like it too. I’ll ask Alex if he can shift so I can give him some, I sure he wont mind. I walk in to the kitchen and Alex follows me. He sits on the island of our kitchen and watches as I pull everything out for the meal. After twenty minutes I had finished preparing the chicken “Why did you make so much?” he says questioningly. “Well I was hoping you could shift once your finished eating so I could give David some. I wanted to thank him.” “Thank him for what?” he replies defensively. “He helped me by taking the pain off when I was hurt.” “Oh.” He says guiltily but with a hint of jealousy in his voice. I place the plate of food in front of him and his eyes light up as he stuffs the food into his mouth, making weird sexual noises as he ate. I started laughing and he looks at me weirdly. Yeah, because I was the one being weird. “Your mate is going to be surprised when she hears that come out of your mouth from just simply eating chicken.” “Oh I doubt it Emily I really doubt it.” He replies with a mouth full of food. I smile at his comment and head towards my room with a plate of chicken. Alex comes running after me. “Hey would you wait for me!” he called behind me. I wasn’t sure why I wasn’t slowing down for him. Actually I had no idea but I just kept walking towards my room I mean its not that far of a walk I’m sure he can catch up. I reach my room and sit on my bed, Alex sits next to me breathing a little heavy, oops I forgot he had asthma. Sorry. “Did you want me to shift?” I nod my head. Come on Emily get ahold of yourself, its not your fault if he has a different mate. He stands in front of me and sits on the ground with his knees. Watching him shift was the most painful yet graceful thing I have ever seen. His bones rearranged into his wolf form and his fur grew into its lovely pattern. David looks up at me and sighs. His sigh was weird though, it was almost like he was longing something. “Are you okay?” I asked him. “ yeah, I am, now you needed something.” “ oh yeah, I wanted to give you this.” I placed the plate on the floor and he started eating like most domestic dogs since he lacked hands at the moment. He seemed to love it as much as Alex does. Five minutes later he was looking up at me with his adorable puppy eyes begging for more. “Don’t worry I will make you more one day okay?” he nods his head and he starts to shift back. As he shifts back into the Alex I knew since I was six, I tossed a blanket at him knowing he would be clothing less when he is fully human again. You would think he would have taken off his clothing before he shifted because now his clothing is torn on the floor.  I looked down then I  immediately  looked away and blushed. A smile creeps on his lips as he teasingly comes closer. “ALEX!” I yell with amusement in my voice. I slap my hand against his all to obvious bare chest. He chuckles and then covers himself and heads toward my closet. What's up with him today? First, he ignores me and now he's doing this?  Luckily, he has some of his clothing here. I lay on my bed pulling out my writing journal to work on my novel.

As she looked down at her reflection on the lake, she noticed the chain she wore around her neck started to shine brightly in its repeated image. At first she thought it was just the sun or maybe her eyes playing tricks, but suddenly the glow started to pulse in a rhythmic motion. She knelt down on the lake’s bed, looked closer into the water, and saw a face beside her own. It was William, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, funny, smart William. His beautiful brown hair hung down his face as he looked at her reflection in the water over her delicate shoulders. The scene was like a painting, full of beauty, awe inspiring, perfect. She looks up at him and he smiles at her. She smiles back they stay silent just smiling softly at each other. She places her hand over her heart covering the now madly pulsing necklace. He offers his hand to help her off the ground. She takes it and feels her hand pulse with shocks up her entire body.

 “Whatcha writing?” I jump up not expecting him to be reading over my shoulder. I slam the book shut and look up at him. Why can’t I be as graceful? Why can’t I have moments like that? “ you will find out in a few months won’t you?” he smiles and sits on the bed next to me. I notice the distance between us. Like if he would die if he touched me. “This is going to be a long eight months isn’t it” he says to me. “for both of us.” I reply. I had many reasons to be anxious for my birthday. I wanted my wolf, I wanted my mate, I wanted things to be back to normal. I wanted Alex to finally see my writing. Well, you get the point I wanted a lot of things. I lay my head down on his lap. We stayed silent like that for a little bit. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep in that position until I felt something hit me in the head. It took me a few seconds to realize what it was when I did I lifted my head very quickly practically giving myself whiplash. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked me. I stayed quiet. I felt awkward. Needless to say, I laid my head down on my pillow and he laid his head next to mine like we always did. After a few minutes when I pretended to be asleep I felt him wrap his arms around me. I went ridged at first, I wasn’t use to Alex being this “friendly” but after a few short minutes I relaxed into his arms. I cupped my hands around his. I wasn’t sure why I was complaining, after all, I always wanted to be this close and I was finally getting it. I didn’t want to ruin it but I wanted to see his sleeping face like I always did. I turned slowly and met his gaze. He was still awake. Oops. I smiled, I was love struck in lack of a better term. I nuzzled myself closer to him, closing any gaps that were left. My cheek laid against his chest and his arms crossed over my body keeping me warm and secure. As I felt his chest rise and fall I started thinking about things for my novel.

After a calm peaceful night alone with William, Bella had never felt more calm and serene as she did now. She noticed that everytime a smile crept on her face as she thought about William the necklace would glow. She finally took it off to examine it. It was the first time she took it off since she was seven. She looks into its reflection. She does a double take. At first, she thought she saw William’s face then decided she just imagined it.

I sighed as I realized that it was perfect. I wished that I had written it down. Oh well. I looked up at his beautiful glowing, sleeping face. I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes.

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