1. Nancy Bobofit

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A/N: The picture up above is of Nancy. I will try to update once a week or more. This story will go up to about 20 chapters and a few authors notes in between. I am only in 8th grade as of September 2020 so I will have school and after-school activities even with COVID. I also randomly choose names for people in the schools. Sorry if it is your name. There will be some language since they are teenagers, but otherwise, it will be pretty clean.

     So I know what your thinking.

     God, she is so beautiful. Maybe she doesn't have a boyfriend.

     Yes, I am a beauty. I have red hair, freckles, blue eyes, and fair skin. My eyes are actually green but who wants green eyes and I have a spray tan. My mother is a model, her name is Rebekah Bobofit. I was expelled from Yancy Academy for so-called "bullying." I would never bully. I simply helped the school get rid of the more... should I say annoyances, or outsiders, no, no, weirdos and outcasts. Some of them are just ADHD and Dyslexic kids like Percy Jackson. Ewww. The CRIPPLES like Grover Underwood. I don't understand why his parents even kept him. Or even the down syndrome kid, Raven Becker. She was so weird. (A/N I'm not trying to make fun of anyone who has a disability of some sort. I am trying to find reasons a bully would believe it is ok to bully someone.)

     Anyway, now I have moved to Goode High School, I am the queen of it. Last year I moved here from Yancy and some kid had just gone missing. Three days later I was the hottest, most popular girl in the school. Now, I have slept with every single boy in this school, and have my "friends" or as I think of them, my minions. There's Becky, she's my second in command, then Cocoa, the one that will do anything for me, and Folly or something maybe Molly, well she is the silent one who just nods along.

     Today a new kid is coming I of all people have to give them a tour. So, right now I am headed to the front office. I walked in and saw a boy with jet black hair, and the most mesmerizing sea-green eyes. You can tell though he had suffered something traumatic through those gorgeous eyes though. It can't be worse than being called a bully when you aren't one though.

     I went up to the desk and asked if that was the boy. They told me it was so I went up to him and started to flirt with him.

     "Hey babe, you and me, tonight my place."

     "Yeah, no. One you are such a bitch, two you are the slut type, and three I have a girlfriend." He told me in such a proud tone as if he goes through this every day. Can you believe him turning me down like that! I mean no girl could compare to me, Nancy Bobofit. So, I tried again.

     "Come on I am so much prettier than that girl of yours. I mean look at me! Also, we don't even know each other I mean how do you know if I'm a bitch or a slut?"

     "Yeah, definitely sluttier." He muttered under his breath. "Well, my girlfriend is a lot more beautiful than you and also who calls themselves pretty. What an ego. By the way, I don't need you to guide me, I used to go here." He replied then stalked off without even answering my question. I will get him. No matter what it takes.

     Later that day we had the same English class as the worst teacher ever. Mr. Blofis. For one he tells everyone even ME to read and do my work. Most teachers just let me off the hook because of my mom and my dad is one of the head directors at Dare Industries. He seemed to know Mr. Blofis or as I like to call him Mr. Blow-fish. I mean he is a little fat. (A/N so I looked up pictures of him and all of them he was in perfect shape. Well, I imagined him to be a little more heavyset but still can fight monsters like in The Last Olympian.)

     There was an empty seat next to him so I decided to sit next to him so he wasn't all alone. Wink wink. I took my seat and he groaned. "Why can't you sit next to your friends or as you treat them, slaves. I just want to get to lunch so I can catch up with all my old friends without having to deal with you. I have a girlfriend and I will not sleep with you, so get that idea out of your mind. Is that too much to ask!" He basically yelled at me. He then switched seats so that he was sitting next to Liam Brink and Lucy Calmon. The two nerdiest people in school.

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