Chapter 11

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Scarlets POV
The apartment was huge but cozy with fluffy blankets almost everywhere. A flat screen tv was in the middle  of the living room.

"Take a seat darling" slowly sitting on the leather sofas  l look at my surroundings one picture catches my eye. A picture of a young boy who kinda looked like Dylan but didn't look like him at the same time. The old lady disappeared into the kitchen she came back  minutes with a plate full of smoked salmon and green beans.

"Here eat up darling it looks like you haven't eaten in days" thanking her and saying an internal prayer. I dig into the food it tasted really good or maybe it was just hunger. I would have taken the plate to the sink by myself but she insisted. Seconds later she came back with a frown on her face.

"Darling how long have you been on the street  did you run away from home" shaking my head a sad smile appears on my lips.

"It's a long story" knowing that l didn't want to talk about it she drops the subject.

"Hmm could l please call using your telephone "

"Go ahead"

She was very kind most people would not bring strangers into their homes. Dialing Xavier's number l wait for him to pick up. Biting my lower lip hoping that he would pick up his phone and answer,and not ignore  phone calls like he usually does.

"Hello" it feels like all the emotions l had bottled out wanted to come out pulling myself together l answer back.

"Xavier it's Scarlet"

"Scarlet"he breathes, wiping the tears that had silently fallen from hearing his voice.

"It's me" he laughs  from the other side l knew he would be smiling from the other end.

"Where are you Scarlet " he quickly asks.

"I don't know can't you track the call"

"I will just stay there okay lm on my way soon okay l love you"

Feeling reassured that he was on his way the old lady leads me to a smaller bedroom she gives me a pile of clean clothes.

"The bathroom is right over there call me if you need anything"nodding my head l get into the bathroom. The marble theme was just amazing and sparkly clean. Removing my dirty clothes from my body l enter the warm shower. Watching all the mud and dried blood run down the drain l was walking with bacteria . Cringing at the thought this old lady must be an angel in disguise she was so down to earth.

Just thanking God for bringing me this far without giving up l get out the shower and moisturize my body with vanilla lotion l had found. Air drying my wet hair l  wear the sweat pants and a huge t-shirt that ,l had been given which smelt like male cologne who was l to complain it smelt good. Getting into the queen sized bed l drift off into a peaceful slumber knowing Xavier will be here soon to finally get me.

Xavier's POV
Hearing Scarlets voice brought so much joy l was floating high up in the clouds. Hearing a knock breaking me out of my thoughts . I open the door and meet the hackers l motion for them to get in, not wasting a second l instruct them to track down the phone call l had with Scarlet.

Waiting patiently for  them to tell me the good news . I play with my phone in my hand flipping it back and forth. Ten minutes pass it felt like thirty minutes had passed losing my patience l snap at them.

"Can't you work any faster!"

"We're working on it sir"

The door opens stopping the argument that would have started with me getting angrier by the minute.They nod their heads  to acknowledge Sean  whose face was red from anger .Dylan follows behind him looking annoyed he goes to one of the bedrooms slamming the door.

"Any news on Scarlet "  Sean asks rubbing his temples.

"She called a few minutes ago" Sean's eyes turn the size of saucers .

"Did you track the phone call"

"That's what their doing but taking ages"l grit my  teeth their slow pace was getting on my nerves.

"Chill man it ain't a easy job"

I was been a jerk but this was my sister we were talking about . One  of the hackers stands up with a confident stance  walking to us then facing us.

"Sir we found the location"

Dylan's POV
I felt hopeless sitting on my bed doing nothing  the guilt was bitting me from the inside out. I could be doing something or helping Sean. Getting out my room l go back to the living room to try help Sean and Xavier with the little information l knew.

The hackers were showing Xavier and Sean something ,moving closer to take a closer look at what they found.   My eyes widen how could this be she was so close l rarely smiled but this definitely made my heart leap in joy.

A smile turns into a toothy grin we are going to get you Scarlet no matter what .Sean nods his head at us already knowing what he meant we nod our heads as well.

"Let's get moving boys "he grabs his car keys and we head out the door.

Kylie POV

(Two days ago)
Doing my usual workout l check to see if they were any messages from Jason. It was weird he was ignoring me and it was not like him at all. Hitting some squats l take a break and drink some water to cool down .

Looking outside the window the sunset was beautiful a shadow quickly appears but disappears quick enough for me to not get a better view. Removing my AirPods to hear if they were any sounds from outside only the birds were chirping with cars passing by.

Going outside on my front porch l look around was l hallucinating or l was going crazy . Turning round to go back inside l feel a sharp  sting on my shoulder looking to my right . I'm meet with green eyes my eyes widen it was Daniel standing in front of me.Trying my best to run away  and push him away my legs turn into a mash of hot lava and give out. All l remember is seeing his evil smirk smiling down at me.

Jason's POV
I had tried my best to ignore Kylie but she had suddenly been missing school for two days.Which was unlike her , her parents travelled a lot so they wouldn't know anything. Sighing loudly l call her she was still my best friend the call goes to voice message. Calling over and over she doesn't answer it was the weekend she would still have time to answer a call.

Getting off my bed l get in my car and drive to her house arriving at her house l park on her driveway l turn the engine off. Slowly walking to her front porch l see her IPhone  laying on the porch with one AirPod  beside the phone. Kylie loved to keep her phone with her  picking up the iPhone l try and switch it on but it was flat.Instantly knowing that something is wrong l get inside her house .

"Kylie !!!!!" there was no answer something was not adding up unless .


💞What do you think about this Chapter who is the old lady. Isn't she kind Well let's get into the next chapter and uncover secrets that needed to be revealed❤️

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