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You were woken up by the aggressively loud sound of church bells, sounding the start of the day. You tried your best to ignore it, but failed miserably, sitting up and rubbing your eyes, looking around the room to see your roommates just as dazed as you. Last night you'd found out that the girls you were sharing a room with were actually quite nice; they introduced themselves to you—Feath Mirdoc, Felicity Amarantaria and Maple Monarch. Your bed was next to the wall, next to Maples, and you watched her wake up out of the corner of your eye, catching a glimpse of her frizzy ginger hair spring forward as she snapped into consciousness.

Despite being pissed about being woken up so rudely, you were undoubtedly excited about getting changed into your official Slytherin robes. Throwing your legs over the side of the bed you jumped onto the cold stone floor, grabbing the pile of clothes that you'd thrown onto the floor and changing into them, skipping to the mirror to check your appearance.

You studied yourself; the long black robes hung off your shoulders like a silk tablecloth off a dining table, elegantly contrasting with the forrest green around the edges. You spun around, watching the cloak flare out in the breeze and twirl round your legs as you stopped.

You rustled through your bag, grabbing a hair tie and sliding it over your wrist, before returning to the mirror. Running your fingers through your frizzy, thick hair you pulled it into a messy ponytail, admiring how its jet black colour blended into your new uniform. Well, most of it, except the one streak of white that spiked out of your head like a lightning bolt.

You sighed; your hair was your least favourite thing about yourself because it always made sure that people knew just who you were. Like the scar plastered across Harry Potters forehead it was a staple of your past, and it was near impossible to escape.

Luckily for you, all the Professors at the school had come to the mutual agreement that sharing your identity with the whole student body would just lead to you being permanently extradited from any to all friendship groups, which is why, you guessed, that they only called your first name in the sorting ceremony.

Having the whole school find out that you were the daughter of Bellatrix LeStrange wasn't exactly at the top of your To Do list for the school year.

"We look so fancy." Maple said, standing next to you in front of the mirror and twirling.

"Yeah," You agreed, "I feel super professional."

The other two stayed gossiping in the corner, complaining about the uniform or something as you and Maple made your way down to the common room, making sure to grab your schedules on the way out.

The common room was far more welcoming than yesterday, the roaring fire ushering a warm breeze over the floor as first-years scuttled about, excited for their first day at Hogwarts. You heard a voice coming from the other side of the room, commanding and slightly shrill. You looked over to see Draco Malfoy leant up against one of the walls, berating his fat friend about a wand or something, you couldn't really hear him.

"Hey," You turned to Maple, hoping shed offer some insight into him. "Whats his deal?"


"Draco Malfoy, over there." You tiled your head towards his direction, trying not to be obvious. "My parents know his but thats about all I know about him."

"Oh," Her eyes lit up as she bounced up and down on one leg. "My sisters a third year here, and apparently about a week ago she saw his father walking around, like, judging the place. Apparently he seemed scary or something, I wasn't really listening; I was wondering what classed I'd have. Speaking of," She continued, Jesus she talked fast. "What do you have?" She peered over your shoulder, looking at the piece of paper in your hand.

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