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You felt the beat of your heart in your throat as you followed the crowd of chatting students onto the train, filing into compartments in their various groups and practically vibrating with excitement on their way to 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

You had yet to find a clique to join, and so you found yourself walking down the train corridor by yourself, hanging onto the strap of your bag as you peered into the passing compartments, looking for an empty one. After about three minutes of walking you finally came across an empty room. Stepping inside, you dumped your bag in the seat opposite you, sitting on the scratchy seat and putting your feet up on the opposite seat, set on warding off any annoying groups of people that would try to sit with you.

The station began to move past the window as the train began to move, the low, grumbling sounds of the train tracks clattered underneath the floorboards as you leaned your head against the window and prepared yourself for the long and boring journey ahead. If only you'd remembered to bring a fucking book.

You were letting your mind wander, thinking about what this new school had to offer you, when you heard the door to your compartment aggressively slide open. Swinging your head round you saw a short, plump boy standing in the doorway, in front of a taller, much meaner looking, boy. He froze, looking puzzled as he studied the girl sat in front of him.

"Move." He said, shaking his head as he looked at you.

"No." You replied, crossing your arms and getting ready to take out your earrings if this turd of a human didn't leave.

He looked round at the mean-looking boy, who shot back an 'I dunno' look. He turned back to you, meeting your eye before continuing down the empty corridor, his large companion trailing behind. As they left, a third boy followed behind them, glancing into your compartment as he marched by. You didn't see much of him, but one thing that stood out to you was his bleach blond hair that shimmered like mother of pearl under the shitty yellow bulbs that lit up the trains corridors, bouncing slightly with every stride as his silver eyes met yours.

You stood up, exasperatedly sighing as you slid the door closed, turning back to the window as you waited for the excruciatingly boring train ride to be over—there was only so much to think about before you went back to staring at the bushes and trees that stood beside the train tracks. You lost yourself in the scenery as you leant on the window, anxious to arrive at your destination as you thought about what people would think, how they would react to you, your background-

The piercing train whistle yanked you out of your head as the whole carriage came to a jarring stop, flinging your bag off the seat. You picked it up off the grubby floor, slinging it over your shoulder as the sound of opening doors and the uproar of excited crowds flooded the corridors.

You followed the crowd off the train and finally onto school grounds, surrounded by the lighthearted buzz of excitement as the groups of friends clung together, leaving you outside of their little cliques.

When everyone was off of the train you were all lead through a myriad of winding paths, guided by professors dressed in pointed hats and flowing cloaks as the jittering crowd gasped in awe of the stupendous grandeur of the castle that stood above the wandering woods that encompassed the grounds. You had to admit, it was magnificent—even more than the pictures.

You were lead through the towering oak doors that stood guard at the front of the building, swung open by the two professors on each side as they swiped their wands through the air. The crisp thud of hundreds of shoes on the stone floors bounced off the walls as they were lit up by the blazing torches that were hung along the walls.

You continued down the hallways and up a staircase, where you halted before a large pair of doors, much smaller than the front doors but just as fancy.

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