Chapter Six: The Base

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I wake up in a imperial-issue bunk. Was all that just a dream? I roll over and see the charred, bloodied, and rotting bodies of the troopers off duty when the base was destroyed. So not a dream then. I stretch, and decide to find out what happened to this base. As I walk through the halls, I see a crashed TIE/ln hanging through the roof of the base into the hallway. I try to climb over it, but it is still burning. The attack must have been recently I decide. I call out to see if anyone can hear me. I hear a moan from the TIE/ln's cockpit. I quickly try to open it, but it is fused shut. I quickly pull out my vibro-knife and cut the cockpit open. I gasp. The pilot is missing all the skin of his face. Somehow when he took his helmet off his skin had fused to it and it ripped the skin off his face. He was grossly disfigured, and dying fast. I helped him as best as I could, but he died in a few minutes after I found him. After his death, I continued exploring and I found the hangar bay. In the hangar their was a shuttle! I quickly went to investigate. "Arrrrrrggggggghhhhh!!!" I yelled because the control board was destroyed! I left the ship and looked around the hanger bay again. My heart jumped with hope. Their was a small delivery ship docked! I ran towards it and basically leapt inside! As far as I could see it was in perfect condition! II had taken a few piloting lessons before I joined the Empire, and anyways, how hard could flying a ship be? I took off, flying into the sky! As I broke through the atmosphere I nearly screamed in panic! Not only were rebel warships floating menacingly around the moon, but a huge debris field stretched in front of me. Even if flying a starship is easy, I could never navigate a debris field while being shot at by rebel cruisers. Sadly, I turned the ship around and flew back to the Imperial base. Dejected, I went back to the barracks and fell asleep, with no hope of ever leaving Endor.

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