Chapter (47): Hidden Eyes

Start from the beginning


The next morning, Avery woke up but didn't get out from the bed. She stared at the ceiling while sighing heavily and ran a hand through her hair. Her phone beeped beside her on the nightstand and she grabbed it enthusiastically thinking it was Danni but it was Rick instead so her smile dropped.

~You wanna hang out today with me?- Rick

She stared at the text for a minute and was hesitant to respond as she thought about Danni for a split second. She knew despite Danni's words yesterday there was awkwardness between them but the tingling feeling of the spark was still there, lingering between them. She looked at the text one more time and smiled.

~Sure. Name the time and place.- Avery

Meanwhile Danni was at the garage, working with Josh and cleaning a Mitsubishi car.

"So, I told her that I love her" said Danni, cleaning the windows.


"She didn't say anything back but everything between us is good. I mean I'm a little bit disappointed but it's okay"

"Is it?" He looked at her.

"... Yeah?"

"Danni it's okay to admit that you are hurt a little bit"

"Okay, you are right" She put her hands on her hips. "To be honest with you it does hurt but I have to be patient because it's better if she says it when she really means it. I don't want her to say it because I said it first"

"Bravo" He clapped his hands. "Now, that's my nephew! You are growing up"

"Oh, please" She scoffed. "As long as I'm with her, everything is fine"

"Yeah. Just get back to work, lover girl" He threw a towel on her playfully.

"Okay, lover boy" She smirked and he laughed because she keeps teasing him about Julie.


"So, what's your favorite genre in the movies?" asked Rick.

Rick and Avery went to a cafe and they were getting to know each other more, and Avery felt comfortable around him. He is funny and sweet to her and she liked that. She felt like she needed this, to hang out with someone new after everything with Danni, despite the fact that everything was still good between them.

"... You know, romance, comedy... Horror!" she said the latter with excitement.

"Really? Horror?" He chuckled. "I could've not guessed that"

"Why? Is it because I'm a girl?"

"Yeah, kind of"

She slapped his arm and he laughed. "You can't blame me! Most of the girls that I knew my whole life are scared of horror movies and it's my first time I hear a girl says that she likes horror"

"Not all girls are the same!"

"Yeah, I discovered that now"

Her phone beeped beside her and she checked the message from Danni.

~Wanna meet tonight? Like a date? Outside the house for a change?- Danni

She looked at the message and smiled but she was enjoying her company with Rick who was looking at her while she was reading the message.

"Your boyfriend that I've never met?" he asked and she turned her eyes on him.

"Um, yeah. How did you know?"

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