Chapter Three

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THE AROMA OF the Diner fills my nose as I scan the menu, while occasionally taking glimpses of the scenery. This whole 'Diner environment' is new to me since a) I've never been to a diner, and b) this if my first time at a diner here in New Brunswick. Josh is actually the one who recommended this place, which isn't unusual, considering this isn't his first year at Rutgers. And, if I'm being, it's a pretty nice place, considering Josh is the person, who recommended this place. "It's nice, isn't it?"

I follow the voice to Josh. "Yeah, how'd you find it?"

"My first year at Rutgers."

"Well duh," I say, realizing how dumb of a question that was.

"I actually, uh, had a bad day and came here, so..."

"Nice," I comment. "Well I guess you made a good choice even when you were... down."

He looks at me with a smile. "I guess, yeah; yeah, I did." The moment he smiles, it's like the whole Diner lights up―or maybe it's just me―but Josh really does have the capability of making people smile. "So, have you chosen what you wanted to eat?"

"Oh, uh," I scramble for the menu, realizing our purpose here. To be honest, the only reason why I came for dinner is to get out of the Wattpad conversation as quickly as possible. "I'll just take some French Fries."

Josh's eyes widen in shock. "That's it?" I nod my head. "C'mon! You've gotta eat something else. I mean you probably haven't eaten since―what?―lunch?"

"I'm not hungry," I state.

"Are you sure?" he raises an eyebrow. "Or is that your mind telling you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question, leaning across the table.

"Don't think I didn't hear your stomach grumble really loudly before I left."

"Says the person, who didn't even tell me―"

"Excuse me!" Josh cuts me off sharply before turning to me. "Were you saying something?"

I bite my lip, shaking my head. "No, I was just―"

"Hello! How may I help you?" a girl that looks like she's from college pipes up. As soon as she sees Josh, though, she twirls her red-haired ponytail around her finger. "Hey," she flirts. 

Josh doesn't seem bothered as he scans through the menu. "Yeah, I'll take a hamburger and water," he looks at me for my order, "and you?" My eyes scan he menu, flustered on what to say. "She'll take the chicken fingers along with the french fries, along with some water, please."

As soon as the waitress looks at me, she gives me a huff, probably sensing that he's 'taken' before smiling at Josh. "Right away, Sir. By the way, I'll be your waitress for today and my name is Cynthia," she winks suggestively at him, which somehow aggravates me. 

As soon as she's gone, I turn to Josh. "What the hell, Josh? I could've ordered myself!" I scold. He plays with the pepper sprinkler before looking at me.

"You were taking too long, and, plus, I saw you eyeing the chicken fingers on the menu the whole time," he responds casually. I roll my eyes.

"Wow," I comment. "Has anyone told you how observant you are?"

"There's a first for everything," he winks at me.

I don't know what it is, but suddenly a huge rage of madness hits me. "Right. Except you didn't see that waitress flirt with you." Josh stops playing with the pepper sprinkler for a second.

"No, I did," he starts, and then looks at me. "Why? Are you jealous?"

"Pfft! Jealous?" I spit out, almost too loudly. "Never!" Josh nods his head before mumbling something along the words 'sure'. I look at him in dismay. Does he really think I love him? Yeah, I loved him in my Sophomore year, but that that was two years ago. It's time to move on, so why isn't my heart listening to me?

Do I still, really, love him?

Whatever, JoshМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя