So A Date?

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Y/n ( Reader) | Word Count : 3760

Summary: This is a pretty much meaningless one-shot. If anything it's pretty much a shitty attempt at posting something quickly. I honestly thought it'd be pretty cute, It actually came to me one day when I was thinking about him going back to his basic cut, but I quickly realized that I actually love Bucky all stubbly and long haired. Does he look like a bum? Kinda...

But poor baby, He's a cute little bum. He's a sweetie, and though I personally love clean shaven men he's a special case, you know? I don't know about anyone else.

Italics in quotations are thoughts = 'Example'

Italics Without are flashbacks = Example

So a Date?

Snips of dark, chocolate-colored strands littered the floor, making the restroom tile look like an unkept barbershop's flooring in need of cleanly maintenance. Scattered, severed strands decorated the surface beneath him and he knew it would take him a while to clean, but for now, his focus was on the clear mirror and its reflection.

And as he dragged the razor down the side of his face one last time he was met with the final result.

Slowly, Bucky touched his now smooth face with his free hand, marveling at the obvious change between his old look and the present one. Tapping the razor to the edge of the sink bowl a couple of times to draw out the remainder of the wetness and little pricks of hair, he turned off the running faucet.

With a slow exhale, he came even closer to the mirror, leaning into the counter and deciding to take the last once-over at his work to make sure everything was in order.

Truth be told, he hadn't used a razor in a long time, letting his facial hair take it's own course, growing naturally along with his actual hair.

As he looked himself over in the rectangular mirror he let out a shaky sigh, forming an even shakier smile,

'Looks alright.' he thought to himself with relief, placing away the chromed safety razor on its little stand again. Dabbing on a bit of aftershave he forced a smile, one that extended far more than he had accustomed to nowadays, trying to see what the expression looked like on his 'new' face.

The small experimentation lead to an entire catalog of faces, observing how they looked on him and he came to a single conclusion,

"I don't look half bad," he said nodding at his reflection in approval and giving the man in the mirror a rather cocky smirk.

'Hey handsome,' he thought complimenting himself, certain he could make at least a girl or two swoon if he actually tried.

In his preoccupied state, he failed to notice the new company that observed him from the doorway, a risen brow settling over his face as he watched the freshly groomed man.

"Well look at you," He said in an amused voice, making Bucky stop entirely.

The brunette felt like an idiot. Naturally, the feeling came to him as he was caught doing something so embarrassing.

' Better Steve than anyone else,' He reasoned.

At least that's what he convinced himself...

Holding back a chuckle, and instead, offering a less mocking smile, Steve walked in, putting a hand to his friend's shoulder,

"Well, care to say what lucky lady are you taking out today?" Steve asked in a jovial manner, unable to hold down the enormous smile he had on his face. In turn, Bucky rolled his eyes and faced back to the mirror, ignoring the amused gaze of his best friend.

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