Love In An Envelope by @minsuga4evr

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Hey minsuga4evr

Here's the format:

1. Book Cover

-Is it eye-catching?

-Does it go well with the plot?

2. Title

-Will it attract readers?

-Does it go well with the plot?

3. Description

-Is it interesting?

-How much of the plot it gives away?

-Does it attract readers?

4. Plot

-Is it overused or cliche?

-Does it make sense?

5. Storyline

-Do you think the story progresses well?

-Any potholes?

6. Ending

-How is the ending?

7. Emotion check

-How would the reader feel while reading or after he/she finishes the story.

8. Grammar, Vocabulary, description.

Yeah well, that's about it.

SO let's GO!!!!!


In the cover of your story, we can see Jungkook, Jimin and Suga.

Well when I first saw the cover of your book I thought that all three of the of them are gonna fall in love with Harum and then there's gonna be fighting and stuff lol.

So it kinda gives the wrong impression, it could be better if there was a pic of Jungkook looking at some paper or something like that.

TITLE: Love In An Envelope

The title seems catchy and it doesn't give out what is gonna happen in the story so the ready will be excited to find out and hence I think it is a good choice.

It goes well with the plot as Harum reads, well not reads but senses the lyrics from crumples of paper.


I would like to point out that in the description, you said that Jungkook was writing the 'creative short love songs' in braille and then he throws it out because he doesn't like the songs.

Well that wouldn't make sense because then he would be degrading BTS' songs, so I think you could've written that he didn't like how messy his braille looked, so he decided to throw them out.

Else it's fine!

Sis, the plot of this story is so emotional yet beautiful and also so well thought.

It's unique and I'm glad to have read such an amazing plot.

The acid attack almost gave me a heart attack but it's not at all over used and I love it for that fact.

 The storyline also progresses quite well, I mean the connectivity of the story is never lost.

The only pothole which i found was that you couldn't show when Harum read those crumples in which kook had brailled the lyrics. It would be even better to see Harum's reactions as she read the lyrics.


OMG this book almost brought me to tears, but I loved how Harum could see at the end!!!

And yeah, I could feel the pain when you described how Harum lost her sight and why Yoongi feels guilty.

Grammar, Vocabulary, description.

Your grammar, spelling check, vocabulary was great, I couldn't find any mistakes👍🏻

I could imagine what you described so it's quite good!!!

Your book was quite emotional, but it had a great ending and the plot was unique too.
In short, I LOVED IT❤️
Your book deserves all the reads and votes in the world bb🥺❤️

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