Shooting Star At The Balcony by @Sneehadorin

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Hey Sneehadorin

I'm gonna give you the review of the book in the format in which judges mostly judge the books in award shows!


1. Book Cover 

-Is it eye-catching?

-Does it go well with the plot?

2. Title

-Will it attract readers?

-Does it go well with the plot?

3. Description

-Is it interesting?

-How much of the plot it gives away?

-Does it attract readers?

4. Plot

-Is it overused or cliche?

-Does it make sense?

5. Storyline

-Do you think the story progresses well?

-Any potholes?

6. Ending 

-How is the ending?

7. Emotion check

-How would the reader feel while reading or after he/she finishes the story

8. Grammar, Vocabulary, description

Yeah well, that's about it.

SO let's GO!!!


I think the cover is very well made, it did attract me. I mean we can see the shooting star and also Taehyung in the sky with his wings.

So according to me, IT'S PERFECT!

TITLE : Shooting Star at the balcony.

I think the title is appropriate, at Taehyung and Sneeha met at the balcony and that Taehyung was the Shooting Star so it justifies the plot and seems intriguing too!


*The description could be better. (It is good, but the continuous use of '....' makes it a bit off, if you know what I mean)

* It'd probably look good without those full stops, just use one ,(comma) instead of them.

*Except for that it's good!


Sneeha, I really need to tell you this, the plot of this story is absolutely AMAJIN!

The story was progressing so good that I had this feeling of just keep reading it, for a change this plot is not overused and can't dare to call it cliche, cuz its not! 

Like seriously, you got talent girl !!


As I said before, the storyline is very good. 

It gives the reader the feels to read it completely in one go.

And there were no potholes.


Okay I got soo emotional in the ending like, I really teared up when Taehyung said that he'd have to leave her, it's so heart breaking to read. They established such a good relationship in such a short time that my heart really ached for them.

And the part where Taehyung came back, I was smiling like crazy while crying haha.

What I mean is, you know how to make the reader feel all kinds of emotions while reading your book.

Grammar, Vocabulary, description:

*I guess I found a few grammatical errors here and there but I'm sure that if you re read the chapters again you'll be able to find them yourself :)

* Your Vocabulary and Description are no joke! I could really imagine everything while reading the book.
The way you have described Taehyung and basically everything makes your story 2 times better because of how it sounds.

To me, I found it very satisfying, the way you described the scenes were perfect!

Sneeha, this book of yours is a MASTER PIECE, I'm not even kidding.

You just need to work a bit on your grammar and I'm sure, that your book will have no faults then!

Keep up the good work darling!❤


Also sorry for the late feedback, the laptop was with my dad so I couldn't write the review 😭

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