"Bubba's!" Shokku exclaimed as he jumped into Denki's arms.

"I'm guessing someone missed me," Denki chuckled as he picked up his brother.

"Mhm!" The young male announced contentedly as he began snuggling into his brother's chest, making himself comfortable.

As the two blondes conversed, Sentaku curiously made his way over to the two males that his brother brought with him. Kirishima squatted down and stuck out his hand.

"I'm guessing you're Sentaku," he said with a small smile.

The short blonde nodded and took the redhead's hand. Denki noticed and made his way over to the small group. He smiled as Sentaku let down his walls and began talking with Kirishima.

"So, are we ready to go?" He asked jokingly.


Sentaku held Kirishima's hand tightly as they crossed the street. Sentaku glanced up at the redhead with a soft smile. He was thrilled to be meeting and talking with one of his brother's friends.

"Are you Bubba's boyfriend?" Sentaku asked, his eyelashes innocently flickering.

Kirishima almost doubled over as the question left the child's lips. He looked down at the child gripping his hand with a blush covering his face. Kirishima tried to hide how flustered he was by answering the small blonde's question.

"I'm just Kaminari's friend."

Sentaku scrunched his face, quickly turning to face his brother," Bubba, is he your boyfriend?"

"Sentaku Kaminari, mind your business. But no, he is not my boyfriend, and neither is Shinso," Denki muttered, rolling his eyes at his brother's curiosity.

Denki readjusted Shokku, who was asleep in his arms. Denki returned to his conversation with Shinso as Sentaku turned now, asking Kirishima more questions.


The five arrived at the Kaminari household. Denki sighed as he began rocking the sleeping male in his arms, successfully waking him.

"I need you and Sentaku to go upstairs, 'kay?" The blonde asked as he placed his brother's feet on the ground.

Shokku rubbed his eyes sleepily before grabbing his twin's hand and dragging him into the house. Kaminari turned to his guests, an aggravated sigh slipping from his lips.

"My mother is going to yell at me as soon as I get inside. I need you two to stay quiet until she's done, then we can go study," Denki looked down, ashamed that he had to inform his friend of his troubles.

Eijirou raised a brow and glanced at the other male watching him shrug his shoulders as they made their way into the house. There was screaming coming from the kitchen concerning the newcomers. But Kaminari took this as an opportunity and quickly yet quietly shut the door. He grabbed SHinso's hand, pulling him as they ran up the stairs, Kirishima quickly following.

Denki pulled the two into his room, closing the door as quietly as he could. Denki let out a sigh of relief as he placed his bag on the floor. The twins were playing a game as Denki approached. The two newbies looked around the closet-sized room, their eyes quickly landing back on the siblings. A smile peacefully fell onto their lips.

"Kiri-san, come play!" Sentaku begged, his head quickly whipping around to look at the redhead.

Kirishima looked distressed and begged Kaminari with his eyes to do something. Kaminari chuckled and turned Sentaku around, gently squishing the ladders cheeks.

"Maybe later, bubba, we have to study, okay?"


Denki stood up and moved toward his friends, a smile placing itself on his face," So what are we working on first?"

Shinso pulled himself out of his small trance and looked at Denki," Math, let's do the math first."


Kirishima kicked a pebble as the two walked silently. Neither one knew what to say to the ladder. This situation was Fucked up. Kirishima found his voice and looked up at Shinso.

"So, Denki's siblings are cute."

"Yeah... Are we telling Aizawa?" Shinso asked, scratching his forearm, refusing to let his eyes come up from the ground.

"We have to get those kids out of there," Kirishima said as he squeezed his fist, remembering how tightly Sentaku held it.



The dreadful woman Denki had to call his mother called him downstairs. The male left his bed, slowly making his way to his mother.

As the blonde stepped off the last step, a beer bottle smacked right into his face. Denki looked up at his mother, wiping his nose. The red-blond staining his hand caused Kaminari to go into fight or flight. He started to panic as his parents continued to beat and drag him around.

"Bubba," Sentaku screamed as he watched his brother being beaten, a horrific emotion filling his features.

Aizawa and police busted into the house, Aizawa's scarf out stretching and wrapping around the two adults. The policemen grabbed Sentaku and Shokku, removing them from the residence. The siblings cried and screamed as they were being pulled away from their brother. The twins were placed into a police car that was gone as soon as it came. A stretcher came racing in, arranging Denki on it and rushing out.

Denki, who was merely confused, opened his eyes, searching for his siblings," Where are my bubba's?"

The Emt looked down at denki, her pearl eyes simmering softly," Don't worry, they're safe."

Denki hummed as an oxygen mask was placed on his face. He quickly fell into a deep sleep knowing his brothers were safe.


Hey, my loves. Chapter two is here. Horray. I hope you guys like it. I literally finished this during my lunch break, so yeah.

I hope you're having a good day/ night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you. 

What is this feeling? { ShinKiriKami}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя