Chapter 23

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Few months later
I was sitting at my desk looking through papers, my strip club opened up last month and it was blooming just right in town. It was always busy and packed. There was two floors. Bottom floor was mostly towns people and strippers and a bar. Top floor was club members and dancers/Strippers only.

I had my sister Alice handle the hiring since she was a stay home and had the time. I had a total of 20 employees that included the bartender. The night club was few blocks away from the clubhouse so it was an easy drive there.

I still think about her everyday, wondering where she is? What is she doing? Does she miss me like I miss her? Does she still love me? I have all these questions and no one to answer them. I sighed and relaxed in my chair. Louise and I have been okay so far, we've trying to make it work for Penny and I've been doing my best. But I miss Elaine so much.

As I was lost in my thoughts Acer bust through my door panting "Prez, Louise been in a bad accident and is in the hospital" he said and my heart stopped. We both rushed out of my office. As Acer let the other members Know the situation I got on my bike and headed toward the hospital.

We waiting nearly 4-5 hours while Louise was in surgery, the doctors trying to save her life. A drunk driving went full speed and hit her on the way home. He was killed on impact and Louise was severely injured. I held my daughter as she Cries against me. I whisper to her that everything will be okay.

Another hour went by and the doctors came out "Louise Kingston?" We all stood and the doctor sighed "I'm sorry Mr. Kingston but we couldn't save your wife. She was bleeding heavily and we did all that we could. I'm so sorry for your loss" we all gasped and crying. I tried to stay strong for Penny, but I felt the tears falling down my cheek. I nodded acknowledging that I heard him. I head my daughter tightly as she cried for the loss of her mother.

Few day's later
It was the day of the funeral, I was dressed in complete black and I put my cutte on. My daughter was with my sisters and her daughters downstairs waiting for me. We was all gonna go together. As I descended down the stairs and I see Penny crying softly. I got to her "hush little bug, your mother wouldn't want you looking like this" I said to her, all she did was nod and wiped her face.

We all gathered around the cemetery hole she was being slowly dropped into. Her family and my family and the club members were all there for the service. I was heartbroken and alone. But I had to be strong for Penny. God please give me the strength to keep going.

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