Chapter 22

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I woke up to my daughter jumping on my bed in the afternoon. She was in her hype mood of me still be here still when she got back home. I decide to get ready for the day and come out to find Louise and Penny eating lunch on the table.

I looked at my phone wanting to call Elaine but I know she needed space for now so I will my distance for a bit. I sat down and ate with my small family and was making small talk with my girls.

I decide we should go to the park to get some fresh air and Penny was over excited about the idea. Louise was keeping her distant but not making it noticeable since our daughter was around us.

I texted rage that I will take the day off and spend time with my family for the day and will come back tomorrow for the rest of the work for the new strip club. As we all got into the truck and rode on the way toward park.

We past by Frankies home and It took all my strength not to pull over and go to Elaine but I had to give her time. She only really been here a month or so. I know she was wanting her space. But damn did I miss her already.

As we pulled up to the park we got Out and Penny took off running toward the massive jungle gym. Louise and I laughed and watched her. After everything that has happened I knew I didn't deserve Louise or Elaine. I cared for Louise but I didn't love her. I love Elaine and I wanted to be with her. I'm hopping she will reach out to me soon.

As the day goes by and we head back and just relax at home. I was eating dinner when I check my phone to see if I missed anything and yet I had nothing from Elaine yet. I was getting ahead of myself again. And I need to chill.

One week later
It been a week now. I given her time to process this and I have to see her. It was killing me not to be in contact with her. I missed her so much.

I decide since Frankie knew about us that I would knock on his front door and go through that way instead of sneak in. I knocked at the door, Frankies wife Beverly answer the door "Ripper what a pleasant surprise, come in" she opens the door more to let me in.

I walked into the house "is Elaine here" I asked. She looked away and sighed "wait here" she went into the back and I waited. Few minutes later she came back alone with a letter in her hand. "She left this for you." She handed me the paper.

I was shocked and slightly hurt that she didn't want to see me but I decide that I would just let her be and walk back out of the house. I opened the letter

Dear Ripper,

The time I spent with you was the best time of my life, I loved ever moment of it. When we made love I felt as if I was in heaven. I love you so much Ripper, I really do. But I've decide that I will leave this town and let you reconnect with your family. Louise Is a wonderful women in short time I've meet her. I've seen your daughter Penny and she beautiful girl. I hope you can forgive me for leaving with saying goodby my love. I will always remember you. Please don't look for me. This is my choice. I hope one day I'll see you again Mr. Biker.

Love always,

At the ending of the letter I was crying, for the first time in my life I cried. My heart was absolutely broken by her decision to leave. It started to rain And I stood there crying in the rain all alone. After a while I shoved the letter into my pocket and got on my bike and went to the club.

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