Chapter 3: Scars Are A Part Of You

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It had been a day since Keith found out about Lance. Lance has done everything to not see Keith, and yes everything. He once pushed Pidge so Keith would catch her as he ran, another one he did was throw food at him to get away, everytime it work and Lance got away. The team had just gotta back from a mission when once again Keith tried to get Lance to talk to him, but as normal no luck. "What's that all about?" Pidge asked as Keith watched Lance ran off. "Keith?" she said worried. She was one of the only people that could tell when Keith was hurting and she show it right now. "Don't worry about it, It's fine, I'm fine," Keith said walking off. Pidge knew there was something going on just didn't know what. About an hour later Shrio called everyone down for training, Lance was the last to get there. "Lance, why are you wearing your jacket, now that I think about it have we ever since Lance arms. Do you even have arms?" Pidge joked. "Of course, I have arms and I was cold so I put it on," Lance lied. "Good, your all here. We aren't training," Shrio told them as he walked in. "Then why are we here," Keith asked Shrio. "Well today we are going to get to know each other a little better," Shiro said before putting at a chair with a hellm over it. "Oh hell no," Keith said to them. "For once I'm with mullet," Lance told Shiro. "Let's take a vote, who wants to?" Shrio said before raising his hand, both Pidge and Hunk did as well. "I want to see what you two are hiding," Pidge told them, they both gave her an evil look. "Alright, Allura who's first," Shrio said but Allura was no were to be found. "Lance is," Allura said over the PA. "Of course I am," Lance said rolling his eyes. "Come on Lance," Shiro said before making Lance sit in the chair. As soon as he set down the helmet was on him and memories started showing. What looked like a little Lance and a little girl ran though a backyard. "Lance, Rachel, Luis is back," a what looked like a 10 year old or so said. "LUIS," Lance and 'Rachel' yelled running inside. "Lancie, Rach, how are my favorite twins," what looked like a 15 year old said. They all looked at Lance, he was a twin, they didn't know that. Lance memory change, he looked about 8. "Mummy, why does big brother Luis keep saying I was a surprise?" little Lance asked his mother. "Well that's because you were, your father and I didn't know we were having twins, we only thought we were having a girl. But you were the best little surprise," his mother said before tickle him. The memory change again to a 8 year old Lance in class. "Hey aren't you the twin to the Rachel McClain?" a boy asked him. "Yeah, so?" Lance asked the boy. "Well I see you sister got the good looks and coolness, because you ugly and not cool at all," the boy said to him. "He's quite stupid too, did you see what happened when Mr. Jackson asked him a question. He answered it 'I- um-'" the boy's friend said as they all laugh. Little Lance put up his hood and ran away, he past by Rachel in the hallway. "Hey, Lance, is something wrong?" Rachel asked her twin. "Just leave me alone," little Lance said as the boy and his friends walked into the hallway. "Come on, Rach, I think your brother has to go cry like the little baby he is," the boy said smiking at little Lance. He then ran he ran always out of the school. Everyone looked at Lance in shock. The memory changed he looked about 12 years old. "Still can't believe that he got into the Garrison the little freak did it," a much older guy from the first memory said. "Hey be nice, Marco," a girl only about 3 years older then Lance said. "Oh, come on. Veronica. We were all thinking that he wouldn't and Rach would, and they both did," Marco told Veronica. Veronica gave him a I will hurt you look. "Oh don't give me that look. Lance is Lance, the child mom and dad never wanted, the one everyone hate's in our family, the odd one," Marco told her. "And your the dick one," an older 19 year old Luis said walking in the room. "No, I am truthful. Lance isn't one of us he never has been, you two, me, and Rachel are family. Lance isn't he isn't one of us," Marco said to his two siblings. That was when little Lance come out from hiding with tries in his eyes and shock on his face. "Oh my god Lance," Veronica said seeing the hurt on his face. Later that night, little Lance got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He looked around till he found one of his sisters razors, he sit down over the tube. He took a deep breath before cutting himself. Everyone looked at the memory in shock and hurt, they had no idea, even Keith was shocked. The memory changed again Lance looked still about 12 and was at the Garrison. He walked into class and sit down about a minute  later a boy set next to him. "Hi, I'm Hunk," little Hunk said to little Lance. "Lance," was all Lance said for the whole class. The m skipped to after class. "Hey, Lance. You want to come over tonight we can be prater on the project and hang out a bet, I can make cookie?" little Hunk asked little Lance. "Sounds like fun, here's my number text me," little Lance said giving little Hunk a paper with his number on it. Hunk smiled at the memory of the first time they met. The next memory was when he was about 14. Little Lance and little Hunk walked throw the hallways when Lance ran into what looked like a little Keith, with mullet and all, little Keith dropped his books. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. Here let me help you," little Lance said helping little Keith pick up his books. When little Lance went to grab on of the books he's sleeve came up a bet, showing his cut marks. Little Keith saw them but said nothing. Keith couldn't help but think he should have said something anything tried to help but he didn't. Why didn't he? The next memory they all had the one of Pidge meeting the boys, the team fighting, and the bonding moment. But after thoughts the memory got bad, showing Lance throwing out his food, not getting sleep ever night, breaking down in tries, and then the last one shock all more then ever. Lance walked into his bathroom and took off both his jacket showing his cuts on his arms and then his shirt showing ones everywhere, everywhere you looked you would see a scar some old most new. "Enough," Lance yelled pulling the helmet off and throwing it. Everyone stared at Lance as if he was died right then and there, even Keith couldn't believe it. "Lance," Keith said to him. "Don't, just don't," Lance said before running away. Lance ran to his room and locked the door, his heart was racing everyone knew now not just Keith everyone. He knew what he had to do, he had little time. He walked into his bathroom and grad he knife. He pulled of his shirt and cut down his stomach, down his arms, everywhere he could. As he did this the team got to his door begging for him to let them in but he didn't. Lance cut his throat as Keith kicked the door down tried of asking nicely. "NOOOO," Keith yelled seeing Lance lying on the ground, cover in blood, and about to die. "Lance," was all the others said with tears. Shiro picked Lance's almost lifeless body and ran as he yelled "Coren get a healing pod ready." They got him into the pod just in time. "How long will he be in there?" Keith asked as tears rolled down his face. "Could be a week, a month, his cuts are bad a deep," Coren said to Keith.

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