Chapter 8: Truth or dare pt 2

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Pansy's POV:

Draco was always worried about us than himself, by us I mean Blaise & I. He uses a beauty charm so that nobody could see the bags under his silver eyes.

"Let's just get started? OK?" Draco yelled

"Ok, ok, ok fine," said Granger

I have to admit I think I kinda like Granger. I mean even though she punched Draco in the face, she is pretty cool. 

"Pansy, Truth, or Dare?" Granger said

"Truth," I said very slowly 

"If you were to date anybody in this room who would it be?" Harry shouted.

Draco and Blaise were trying to hold back there laughter. It was the first time in a while that Draco was laughing, ever since his father started to hate him and punish him for doing things that are a 'disgrace' to there family Draco never smiled or laughed but with the golden trio, they make him laugh and can get him his spark back. I really like this school. 

"I would date Granger,"

"Re-re-really?" She stuttered.

Draco's POV: 

Granger really stuttered! Blaise and I were laughing our asses off. It was so funny how their reaction was that Pansy shot us a look. But then it softly turned to a smile. I knew what she was thinking about. 

I laughed again. Not a fake laugh a real laugh. Blaise also noticed and smiled too. 

"What's going on," said Potter

Weasley and Granger, I'm sure already knew and huddled to tell him.

The golden trio's POV: 

"So Draco has been having problems at home and he lost the spark in his eye's so when you see Draco you can always see his eye's are dull. So basically he laughed without faking for a long time," explained Ron and Hermione.

"Ooh I see he always told me that it was just natural," Harry exclaims 

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