Chapter 7: Truth or Dare pt 1

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People in this chapter, this inspired by a very good author named...


go follow her! Now onto this bootiful chapter

Whatever POV  I really just don't care anymore

Ron and Ginny were grinning there face-off, it looked really annoying in everybody's opinions. 

"Can u stop grinning ur stupid faces off Weasels," Said Draco

"Can u stop fighting for once!" Shouted Granger

"Why should I mudblood?!"

"Draco! Stop insulting them!" Harry scowled

Harry started blowing into flames, not only because Draco was rude but he was changing. He was nice but now he was different. Was it because of his leg lifting last night?

"Why should I? Potter," Draco said bitterly

Harry felt insulted by his close-to-be-boyfriend. It felt like a punch in the stomach, he felt so much pain in his life. 

"Anyway lets just not fight on a free day and play a game," said Hermione

"What game smarty-pants!" said Draco

Ron shot Draco a dirty look. Draco shot Ron a dirty look and a tongue sticking out. Blaise had been silent the whole time. The others laughed at how funny they looked.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Said both Ron and Draco which caused everybody else to laugh harder but imdentley snapped out of it

Draco shot a look saying Why are you so quiet today? 

Blaise shot a look saying What?

Pansy looked at there confusing and funny convo through faces. The others noticed too which Blaise and Draco hadn't figure out yet because they were keeping up with there convo. They suddenly looked at the peeps around them looking rather confused than curious. 

"What?" They both said at the same time.

The golden trio and Pansy started laughing their butts off like Ron and Ginny did when they grinned their butts off. 

"No actually what is funny?" Asked Draco.

"oh nothing," we said

😂A/N time!😂

Ok, guys it currently 1:37 soo yeah. I was playing flicker and I was bored writing this chapter. I wrote in paragraphs for some reason so yeah. Some dude gave me some tips so I'm using the tips. If u like my writing please vote!

Make sure to vote, comment, share, follow and whatever

Until next time!

Pro shipper out!

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