Chapter 1. Meeting Marlie

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Crystal had a porcelain color skin and light blonde hair. Her hair was always so perfect. Unlike most girls when she slept and woke up in the morning her hair had no bends in the top, it was always completely and perfectly straight. Her eyes were as blue as the water in the Caribbean and shimmered constantly. She always had that little twinkle in her eye. As for her personality, she was a very bright girl, all A's in school and had already received offers for a scholarship at 3 colleges! But she had her eyes on one in particular. When she was around her parents she was miss goody two shoes. But when she was around us she was wild, always cracking a dirty joke and loved to party.

As for Ivy she had a beautiful, pale color skin. Her eyes were green like the trees in a forest. Her face was very slim, she almost looked to skinny the way her body was. But she was beautiful with her dark brown hair, and gorgeous eyes. She was never getting into trouble the one with the most amount of sense within the little group of friends. She was kind of a nature freak if you ask anyone in the group. In fact over the summer she spent allot of time all the way around Washington particularly looking for amazing pictures of nature and trying to be one with it. She was kind of the mom of the group, the most sensible and the most caring. She was there for any one of the girls when they needed her and most definitely was a loyal and loving friend.

Then there is Marlie. She was pale like most of the people who lived in Seattle due to the amount of sun they received. Her eyes were a light green, but allot of the time changed color depending on her mood. But most of the time they stayed her natural green color. Her light brown hair fit her facial shape perfectly and her personality just as well. She was most definitely not a goody two shoes and if anyone out of the group she would be the one to get into trouble. Not like rob a store, or pick pocket someone but she was particularly clumsy and would find herself in a bad situation not knowing what to do. Like the time she had been walking and tripped and almost fell off of the ledge at the waterfront. Incidents like that proved her to be clumsy. She was a very artistic girl and had always enjoyed things like photography, acting, and writing. She was a bit of a movie geek and loved the video store just a few stores down from Ivy's shop.

The shop was very quiet about this time of day and Marlie knew it was safe to leave the shop in the hands of the 3 other girls. "Is it ok if I take a walk? I am going to go grab some lunch anyone want anything?" She asked the girls. "Yah sure thing. And not for me thanks hon." Ivy said. "Anyone else want anything?" She asked. "Could you get me a coffee? The caramel one." Nicole asked politely. She was referring to the coffee Marlie had just had this morning. "Sure thing!" Marlie said, she began to walk out the door of the shop when finally Crystal piped up and said. "Could you get me some clam chowder from Ivers?" She asked. "I haven't eaten anything today" She finished. "Sure love. See you guys later!"

She headed up the block to the first Starbucks and surprisingly there wasn't that big of a line. She got in the 2 person line and waited. She got up to the counter and ordered the drink for Nicole and another one for her. She waited about 2 minutes before the man yelled out her order and she carefully grabbed the two coffees and headed towards the door. A man held it open for her and she said thank you, and walked out of the café.

Marlie headed down the Waterfront to Ivers. As usual there was a line. It was Ivers and it was known for its Clam Chowder, which Marlie didn't particularly like. She finally got to the head of the line and ordered the chowder. She didn't know how she was going to hold a bowl of chowder and two coffees so she began to plot her plan while she waited for the soup.

"Clam Chowder Order #117!" The man at the counter yelled. That was Marlie's order and she walked over to the counter and picked up the clam chowder precariously with her left hand and walked off to a table. She sat the two coffee's down next to the clam chowder and stared at them, trying to figure out how in the world she was going to carry them all the way back to the market which was now 6 blocks away. She would catch a taxi but didn't really have enough money on her to do it. She stood there puzzled and finally decided she would have to balance the two coffees on top of each other and hold the clam chowder in her other hand. She did this precariously and started walking cautiously down the Waterfront

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