"You guys suck" I huffed. "We love you too" Maddy cooed making them all laugh. The bell rang which meant lunch was officially over.
The girls got up to throw away their trash and leave their trays back.

"I'll see you guys at practice" I called out. "See ya later" a few of them shouted back. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head to my last class. Just a few more months and I'm finally off to college.

As usual I'm first to the locker room. I heard the door open and then a a few seconds later close again signalling someone else had arrived. I put my shorts on and then my socks.

Sam turned the corner and I smiled. "Hey how did that homework go" I questioned her.
"Yeah it was fine" she answered shortly. "Is something wrong, are you okay?" I asked.

"What have you been telling your friends, you know Karin I'm not some sort of toy you can play with then throw to the curb once your bored playing with it" she said seriously.

Where the heck was she getting this from, was that the type of vibes I've been giving off. "What, I really don't know why your thinking this Sam, I wouldn't do that to you" I protested.

"Really, then what is this" she said pulling a piece of paper out of her gym bag and slamming it into my chest. I uncrumple it and my face drops. "Where did you get this" I said angrily.

"Is it true" she questioned me. "Where did you get it" I repeated.
"Why does it matter" Sam challenged me. "Of course it matters where you got it from, who gave you this" I demanded.

"Jess got it from one of the girls on the lacrosse team, said I should read it" she crossed her arms. "And it seems like my name is last on the list" I could hear how disgusted she was from her voice.

"I didn't make this list, it was the girls on the team, Hannah and Kristin from the lacrosse team were in on it too, I knew about it but it had nothing to do with me I swear I'm not like that Sam" I defended myself. It was true though, I had nothing to with that list.

"Seems very suspicious to me Karin dont ya think" If looks could kill I would have died 5 minutes ago. My heart was beating out of my chest I was in full panic mode.

"Jess is taking me home after practice" she added. You have got to be fucking kidding me right now. "I didn't have nothing to do with that stupid fucking list" I yelled. Sam flinched at how loud my voice echoed throughout the empty locker room.

"So it's a coincidence that every girl from the cheerleading team has been crossed out on your
'hit list' apart from me" she said sarcastically.

"Yes" I cried out. "Yeah well, I'm not falling for your games, save the pathetic excuses and apologies for someone else" she deadpanned. I pulled my shirt over my head and put my boots on before storming out of the locker room.

"Running from your problems doesn't make them disappear" Sam called out. "I'm running to them not from them" I said angrily, making my way towards the lacrosse training fields.

Jess seen me charging towards her and I swear I saw the fear in that girls eyes. None of the coaches were there yet as Jess and a few other girls were early.

"Come to try the better sport" Jess laughed. "What's That boxing? Cause if it is then yes" I said shoving her. She stumbled backwards a few feet, "why would you give Sam that list" I growled.

"Why wouldn't I, just thought she might want to know what she's getting caught up in" she moved closer. "A lowlife scumbag, who uses girls for sex and then moves onto the next like its a fun little game" she shoved me.

A few more girls had arrived at the field and I heard them start to whisper amongst themselves. "You know fine rightly that list had nothing to do with me" I shoved her again.

"Hmm, do I?" She said sarcastically. "I'm fucking sick and tired of you Jess, getting involved in people's fucking business where you don't belong" I was getting angrier by the second.

"I think business to do with my ex girlfriend has something to do with me" she shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah and she's your fucking ex for a reason, why can't you just fucking move on from it and stop interfering" I don't think I've ever been this pissed off in my life.

"Because, I, don't, want, to" she poked me in the chest after every word. "Your really testing my patience Jess, and oh is it wearing so fucking thin right now" I growled.

I could see the smug look she was proudly holding on her face. "I'm done letting you torment me and get in the way of what I want, I'm not taking anymore shit from you" I added.

"Dream on King" she got right into my face, "because if you haven't noticed already, I get whatever the fuck I want" she took a step back and folded her arms and gave me a sly smile. How can one person be so fucking evil and twisted.

Do I hit her, or do I walk away. If I walk away that means she's won.
"Oh so your telling everyone here I'm a bad person because I've hooked up with a few girls and my friends made a list about it" I scoffed "well then I think everyone here should know your a controlling piece of shit who thinks it's ok to sexually assault girls at parties, or that you manipulate them to fall at your feet" I yelled loud and clear so everyone could hear what I was saying.

"Cause yes I've had a few hookups but I'm nothing you make me out to be, and you know fine rightly I'm not like that, your the one that's a horrible person not me" I was now breathing heavy.

Jess stood there stunned, she was speechless and didn't know what to say back. All of the lacrosse girls were now whispering to each other. Did I want it to go down like that? No. But it had to be done.

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