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All where searching Abhinaya in various direction. Later they assembled at the entry since princess was not found inside the palace. Everyone took their chariots and started to search.

Abhimanyu : King of Virata, may I know if there is a place full of greenery with waterfall nearby. 

Virata King : Yes Abhimanyu. It's is near by.

Then everyone headed to a cave. The were stopped  by hearing a girl singing her heart out. Her voice was mesmerizing. Everyone where shocked when they went inside the cave. Abhinaya stood at the center of the waterfall surrounded by cute little animals and she was singing her heart out. She was dancing in her toes. (* Yeah!! just like a ballet dance). All her dance moves controlled the flowing water. Water followed all her moves. And she finally ended her song. She took a glance at reflection in the water and spoke, " She was right, I did not like in palace for years and I don't know the rules and regulations of palace. You know that I felt really happy seeing my family. I have five younger brothers and five caring dad's. I am afraid this is a dream and vanish when I wake up. I miss them too. I didn't bid them properly as we were assigned different task. And I also miss my Guru and my friend. I fulfilled my duties, only my trusted people knew my identity and it's also true that I can't get comfortable around my family. What will happen in future? And I think of going out for a while tomorrow. I can't let my emotions take over me right. Well I am hungry now what should I do? ".

While she ended , the animals near her came with food. She was flattered by that and replied thank you to them. She then drifted to sleep.

Abhimanyu : I think I failed as a good brother. I didn't know she is uncomfortable around us. And she thinks she troubles us more. 

Yudhistar : Give her time son. It takes time. Even when I and my brothers went to Hastinapur the first time we faced many difficulties. But we were five of us together but she is alone. It might take a while for her to settle. 

Bheema : Yes son. You are a best brother. Give her time. 

Abhimanyu went towards Abhinaya and picked her up in his arms carefully not disturbing her sleep and they went to the palace.

The next morning Abhinaya woke up and found herself lying in her room.After her morning duties she walked towards the hall. She saw everyone already present there. She greeted everyone and directly sat near her uncle Balarama. 

Sudeshna : Princess there is a custom where no girls should sit equal to men's except Queen. So, you should follow that too. And the cloths you wear are improper for a girl to wear in palace.

Abhinaya : I am the queen of my world and I sit near my Uncle. I don't follow any rules and no one have the right to rule me. I sit anywhere I like, I wear whatever cloths I am comfortable with. And also Queen of Virata I am daughter of Princess Subhathra do you think I am not aware of palace rules or do you think I am that stupid not having conscious of what I wear. I am well aware of rights and don't think you can over rule me. 

This made everyone shock. The girl they saw yesterday was soft but she was fierce today. But they all were happy except Sudeshna. 

Balarama : Abhinaya , come let's go and have breakfast. Your tummy says you are hungry.

At that time Abhinaya tummy made a loud growl and this made everyone laugh. Abhimanyu came near her and turned his back towards her and instantly she jumped on his back like a 2 year old kid loving a horse ride on her father's back. They made their way to dining and she sat on Abhimanyu lap. And Abhimanyu started to feed her. They cracked jokes in middle and ate peacefully .

Abhinaya : Big papa. May I have permission to go out today. I have to meet few people. 

Yudhishtar : You may go daughter but be careful on the way.

Abhinaya prepared her unicorn and started to fly in the shy. After travelling quite a distance she came to halt near a orange tree.

 After travelling quite a distance she came to halt near a orange tree

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She sat in the swing waiting for two persons. That time she remembered how they met.


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