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Three years passed, both the kids grew up with great knowledge and skill and also with infinite love. One day a maharishi came by, he said Princess Abhinaya is born to bring dharma to the people, she is assigned to kill the demons, she will bring a change. Then the maharishi asked the king Balarama, Lord Krishna and Princess Subathra to send Abhinaya with him, as it was his duty to train her. After so many conversation they decided to send the three year old princess with the maharishi. Princess Subathra said, " Don't let anyone see your identity, make sure to tackle all the obstacles, never back down, make sure you complete your duties, don't forget I will always love you dear." The princess replied, " Mom, don't worry. I will keep up my pride and I will definitely make you proud. One day they will say ' The daughter of Princess Subathra' where I will be happy to make my mom proud. Take care of my brother mom. He promised me he will wait for me and don't worry though I will not show myself in front of you I will make sure to watch you all. I will return after ten days of my father's arrival. I promise."

The princess went with Maharishi, the palace went silent. From that day, they were waiting for arrival of their little princess. Prince Abhimanyu started to train really hard, he still misses his little sister but he promised her he will grow stronger. No one except the palace people knows that Princess Subathra other twin is daughter because to the world they believed Subathra has twin boys since they hid their daughters identity as per Krishna's statement. 

Years passed by, every one were training themselves for war. Subathra was waiting for both father and daughter arrival. Lord Krishna and Balarama both missed their daughter but hoped that she is doing well. Abhimanyu was  the one who missed her a lot, ofcourse they were partners in everything, and also she was his protective sister and he was her protective brother. He used to think the way they stole food, the times they slept together kicking one another, the time they celebrated raksha bhandan, and also the way he used to give piggy back rides to her. 

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