letter to my Ex (1)

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Dear Bianca,
(My first significant other)

You're disgusting😤 wanna know why? Because you wanted something I wasn't ready for. Sure, it was just a simple kiss, but hey what do I know? (Right) For all I know you could have herpes or aids and I wouldn't even know until I got it as well. Also, you literally never let me talk. It was always about you, and you never had the time to listen to my bad days like I did for you.

I would also like to say is, your toxic. If my friends weren't also your friends I can't hang out with them. like wtf? You got mad at me because I was talking to my friends?! Who the hell does that?!

I... I can't even talk about what other stuff you did on our first 'date' because I don't like talking about it but you didn't even get me anything for valentine's day. You didn't even tell me it in person.

Your Ex since the 2020 Valentine's dance

Yes, that is their real first name and no I won't take it down. This is free expression and freedom of press so deal with it.

Anyways to whom ever sees this hope you have a blessed day, of your not my ex. 💖💜💖

Poems; Randomness, But Mostly PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon