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My friends and family are my sun,
I am the Earth,
You were just a comet.

You came and you go,
Just like the rest,
You passed me and then left.

A reminder,
Just because you came near me,
Doesn't mean you change my orbit.

My world still revolves around the sun.

You were still just a comet.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.




One day you might leave an impact on some other planet, but not this one.

You had a chance to change direction, but you stayed on your own path thinking that I would follow.

Then it was to late.

Lets not dwell on it.

The past has past us.

But just a reminder,

You are a comet.

And I revolve around suns.

(My art don't use without permission)
(Please don't steal art or material)

Poems; Randomness, But Mostly PoemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ