- By the window -

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Daddy was a police officer. Mama and I where so proud of him. He had long nights of studying for police academy and finnaly his dream came true.

Even though he looked different then the other officers, he still was just as good as them to become an officer.

Every night, since daddy would work late, me and mama would stay up and wait for his return. Mama would wait in the living room while I wait in my room, by my window that peered over the drive way.

One night when I was waiting for daddy to come back home. It was getting extremely late. I wasn't worried because sometimes daddy would take extra hours.

Time had passed and all I remember is waking up with my mom next to me crying and trying to tell me something but I couldn't understand anything she was trying to say.

A week later I was sitting by the window in my room looking for something, I just didnt know what, until my mom came in my room.

She was wearing a black dress, with small ruffles around the bottom hem line, and said," Dear, it's time to go." I got up from my seat, flattened out my black dresss, and left with mom.

We were now in the building of the dead. We walked into a silent room that held a casket, a podium, and some chairs to sit down on. The only peaple in the room was me, Mama, the Priest and, a corpse.

Me and Mama went up to the open casket and knelt down next to the opening. Mama started crying, but... I couldn't. I looked down in the casket, and I didn't recognize who this once was. This wasn't my dad. My dad was always smiling and alive. This man is not my dad.

We left my dad in the ground and walked back to the car. There I sat by the window and tried my best to remember my dad before today. I couldn't. The only picture in my mind was of the cold, waxy, corpse that was him.

When we arrived home there was a news paper on the table. It read," African American, police officer shot on duty. Claimed to not be an accident." Next to the headline, there was a picture of my dad. The day he had gotten his badge. He looked happy. He looked proud. He looked like my dad. He was my dad.

I tried to picture this man in my head, but all I could see was the waxy, corpse. Why God? Why did you have to take this man away from me. Away from my mom. Away from our small family. Why. Why. Why. In my head all I could see was a corpse of a once lively man and the words Why repeated over and over again in my head.

It has now been over a month and I still sit by my window every night waiting for my dad to come home, just hoping that he didn't really die, that it might have just been a long nightmare, but every night I wake up at the same place all over again, no dad, just me, by the window.

I know this was a bit cheesy, sappy, or borring, but I had made this up on spot this Saterday at a UIL event and I wanted to share this.
Anyways, Peace!

P.s. Picture is not mine

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