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Next week's Tuesday

𝘒𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘷

I meet Yaku after practice because he said he need to talk to me.

"Kozume, what's wrong?"

"huh. Nothing, why do you ask."

"You look slimmer, and you look even more tired than normal, don't think I haven't noticed. In fact i'm pretty sure the whole team has. Can tell me what's wrong."

This is my chance, I can tell him now.
He'll believe me.

"Yaku- i'm dying."

"What? Kozume really what's wrong."

"No like i'm actually dying."

"tell me this is just a joke. That you're not serious. If I find out you're lying i'm going to hit you so hard."

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at the ground hoping he would get the hint.

"Kozume— do you know what it is?."

"We're not sure, Ive had it since I was a kid, and I guess it's just been growing ever since."

"How much longer do you have?"

"A couple of weeks at most."

I watch as his mouth drops open and he's death silent.

"Yaku, I have a favor from you."

"Ye-a anyth-ing you need." He says trying not to cry.

"Could you tell the team. Well everyone except Tetsurou, I need to tell him. I just don't think I could look them in the eyes."

"Of Course Kenma."

"Sorry, i'm pushing this responsibility on you Yaku. It's just, I don't want to have to make it harder on me and the team."

"It's alright I understand... Kozume—."

"Yes." I glance up from the sidewalk and meet Yaku-san eyes.

"How are you with all this going on?"

"I'm doing just fine I guess, I'm really not sure."

"your not sure? Have you even cried at all about this?"

"No... They said i was gonna get better at first. But i'm not, i won't get better, and my body is just gonna eat away at itself until i die.
And i don't know what to do anymore. God how am I going to tell Tetsurou. I can't-." I say while finally letting everything i'm feeling out.

"God Kozume your really not okay. One step at a time. Come here." He says while reaching his small arms around my torso, and for the first time I don't push him away. I like the warmth, it makes me feel more alive.

"Nekoma's really is gonna miss you."

"Well I'll miss them all. But with the exception of Lev's constant screaming. That's annoying."

"Hey, his boyfriend is right here. Be careful what you say, I won't hesitate to hit you."

"Thanks Yaku. For everything you have no idea how much it means to me." I say while a tear rolled down my check.

6 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒕

456 words

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