Chapter 2: Prelude to War

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Think of the Children as innocent energy babies. They don’t know what to do; they just cry and long for parental care. Even though Energy’s Gravity was the parental care for its children, it was irregular.

In the void of Space, millions and millions of babies cry out and start to die again, like their parent by packing together.

One by one, the cries were cut. Gravity is establishing Energy’s children into a single primeval atom. Hence, the creation of water-forming Hydrogen.

This time, Hydrogens were unconscious beings. The irregularities of Gravity packed the beings one again and clashed a new kind of beings. It was circular, a magnificent explosion which men cannot create. This new kind of beings are what the scientists call ‘Stars’.

Coming from unconscious Hydrogens, Stars are the conscious beings. Some stars were great, some were small. But the terrible stars were the Morons of them all. Stars spontaneously existed. Like its’ forefathers, Stars never knew who their parents were but all they felt is that they woke up from a dream.

This was the time when these conscious creatures speak a language untranslatable by men. There were vibrancies of each star. They evolved from the First Children of the Atom and clustered together by their own will, using the guidance of Gravity, the final gift of their mighty parent, Energy. As a matter of fact, everyone were strangers to one another. When these beings were clustered, they belong to a clan. A family or what we know as … GALAXIES.

Each galaxy had different races: Innocent red giants, orange-yellow neutrals, lawful yet selfish green stars and the Morons… the evil, bored and chaotic stars. The hottest of them all but they find pleasure in hurting others and in fighting. They were in the hues of blue-violet.

It happened that every galaxy had a fault: the pride of the Morons who wanted to be the best of them all, not knowing every other galaxy had their own Morons too.

When some of the stars went out from their galaxies to observe Space, a plasma explosion occurred. It was the Morons, fighting with other Morons from the other galaxies.

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