She didn't mind it, not at all, rather for her this was more of a norm than anything.

"I used to walk a lot with Tsutako-nee, and I don't care about the house, the only time I was in a house was because of Tsutako-nee, she was going to be married off..."

The little girl held his hand more tightly as she recalled her memories, and the man, whose name she finally knew was Tanjuro, patted her head once more.

"I'm sure she was a wonderful person."

Once the small carriage had dropped them off they waved their goodbyes and headed down the path to a small village where everyone had suddenly brightened at the sight of them.

Giyuu became scared at how many had begun to ask questions, ranging from the trip to who she was.
Of course Tanjuro saw her distress and politely asked to treat her with kindness as she is shy towards others.

After the commotion had calmed down and Tanjuro had finished answering all of their questions, the two began to walk up the forest that divided the village and the mountains, the man was packed with what seemed presents for the him along with small treats for the girl.

"These...are really good." He listened to the girl talk as she began to complement the treats again and again.

Later on they reached a small house of another man who was living alone in the middle of the woods, Tanjuro told her about how he used to be a doctor but after his family was killed, he had grown more distant to others and now he had moved here.

"He would always help us when we where sick, and of course we would give him free coal and fruits we gathered for him as a thanks, even if he is reluctant on not recieving them"

"Tanjuro, it's been so long, your wife must be anxious since you said you were coming yesterday-" He stopped to the sight of the girl,"-oh and who might this little girl be?"

Saburo smiled and kneeled down to her level which made Giyuu shy away a little bit.

"Her loved one also suffered the same way." Tanjuro said as both Giyuu and Saburo looked at him in shock.

"I was hoping if you could help her with her mourning, and we might also need to make a grave for your sister, unless they did make one in the village already"

Giyuu had completely forgot about the fact no one had decided to burry her body, the only thing which was given to her was the red haori as the older sister's body was carried away never to be seen. She wanted to find it again but another man was on the lookout. Even so, after she escaped the man she could never find her sisters body, all over the village and the forest close to her. Nothing but a maroon haori was left. Her grief had worsen by that point.

"No...I...I don't think so."

Her eyes began to water when she finished talking.
I am such a bad sister, I'm sorry Tsutako-nee, you don't deserve such an irresponsible little sister.

"It's not your fault Giyuu, I'm sure it must have been hard, but all that matters now is that you keep her in your memories, so let's go make that burial, alright?"

Once again the warmth that radiated of him felt like it was too pure for the little girl.

After making a proper memorial for Tsutako, he promply explained to Giyuu about how Saburo had also been given the same fate as hers, the last of their family was killed by the demons. Among the pity in her heart, there was also that sense of relief, in the end she wasn't delusional at all.

But it also brought to her attention the fact that demons existed.

"And can they enter houses?"

"Well...yes sadly."

"But...then...wouldn't everyone be in danger?"

"Yes, but that's also why the demon slayers exist."

"Demon... slayers...." a small glimmer could be seen in those blue eyes.

"They are those who hunt demons in order to protect others." this time Tanjuro decided to take the lead in the talk.

"They train themselves to be just as strong as demons and use swords that are the closest to the sun to cut their heads."


There was so much information for her to handle, but she still tried either way.

Soon a small wooden house was seen through the snow, along with a small woman carrying a baby while pregnant with another, she seemed to have been cleaning the porch of the house as she turned to face her husband.

"Oh darling how was the trip? Did anything go wrong... And... hello little girl, may I ask for your name?"

Her smile had the same warmth as that of the man, Giyuu had been concentrated in the baby on her back to respond, which she soon apologized for.

"Ah sorry! Hello ma'am."

"Kie, this little girl is Giyuu, I was thinking of letting her live here since she doesn't have a family."

The woman didn't need to ask as to why or how it happened, her intuition was good enough to understand the events.

"Why of course, I don't mind as long as you help us around the house and with our work."

Giyuu's eyes practically beamed at that moment, she almost couldn't believe her luck, to be adopted into such a nice and pure family, it was almost like a dream, or as if the gods had given her a second chance to be happy. Her eyes began to shed more tears for the oh so many times she had done these past few days, but this time, they were tears of joy.

"I...I will do my best."

Author notes:

Giyuu was never tought about stranger danger.

Also you might notice that there are some big changes done in the timeline.

Everything will have its explenation later.(if I can remember it)

Also yes Tanjiro is a baby here, he's 1.

Don't mind me imma just gonna put the photo covers from the kny artbook.

Edit: I've started to correct the chapt 1-9 bc of grammar, the story isn't changing at all so don't worry.

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