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Happiness is elusive.

Growing up, it seems so certain that the world is easy. That things are strictly right or wrong. Black or white. Happy or sad. Children view the world with a hopeful gleam in their eye and an unadulterated innocence which provides the illusion of simplicity and an assurance to the soul that things always end up as they should. In childhood, the complexities of emotion have yet to surface and so it remains true - that the world is easy. Happiness can be found in a refreshing juice pouch covered in a thin layer of condensation on a humid summer day. Happiness can be found in the mysteries of a magnifying glass and the bewilderment that a curved piece of clear material can both balloon images for a giggle and help solve crimes. Happiness can be found in the first dewy morning of fall, jumping headfirst into a pile of crumpled leaves only to hit the ground beneath that pile a little harder than expected, but smiling because those bruises will make a cool story to share. Happiness exists without restrictions.

Every year older brings knowledge, whether it be welcomed or not. This knowledge teaches us that things are almost never strictly right or wrong. Black or white. Happy or sad. The world transforms into a place where people knowingly seem to dwell, and find comfort, within the "grey." One by one, people discover how light cannot exist without darkness and therefore happy cannot exist without sad, or right without wrong. Long gone are the days where happiness was as simple as a pile of leaves or a magnifying glass. This change progresses with such gradual speed that many fail to notice their altered views until they come face to face with a decision where there is no right or wrong, only some mixture of them both. The grey.

This is what makes happiness elusive; happiness is something which should be chased without ceasing.

Winter found solace deep within the grey. In the grey, her world was colorful and vibrant and full of life. It was here in the grey that she was able to focus on those moments of ecstasy, riding each high without fear of the inevitable fall because sometimes, ignorance is bliss. For months, Winter had stopped chasing happiness. She succumbed to the naive belief that things are simply right or wrong. When she finally acknowledged the space between, a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

The glass windows of the upscale bakery gleamed with a brilliance that Winter could only describe as a Hollywood sparkle. How fitting that her first visit to Rodeo Drive would be met with a heavenly light right on the store which she was set to enter. Divine intervention. Her reflection was a faded image in the radiant glow on the windows, but not even the sun could outshine the smile that stretched across her face. It had been a week or so since touring the venues with Joe and since that occasion, she had rediscovered the pep in her step. As dramatic as it seemed, Winter felt more at ease with her own life now that she and Joe had rekindled their friendship and filled the empty spot in her heart. Instead of focusing on the relationship status or the emotions, she opted to embrace whatever it was they shared.

A bell tinkled above her head when she pushed through the doors, signalling her entrance to the cheery round-faced woman standing behind the counter. Pastries, cupcakes, and sweet treats galore - Winter ogled at the array of delectable desserts that filled the glass counters before turning her attention to the woman.

"Good morning, I'm with the Jonas party for the cake tasting." Winter gave a polite wave.

The woman wiped her hands on her apron upon removing them from her gloves. "I can't tell you what an honor it is to be the baker for this special wedding. My granddaughter is a big, big fan of the Jonas Brothers. I couldn't help but tease that I would be meeting them today." Her eyes grew wide. "My heavens, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Susie!" She shuffled around the counter to stand before Winter and eagerly shook her hand.

Hollywood Hills & Him | A Joe Jonas Fanfiction SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora