c h a p t e r 2 .

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Being awake before the sunrise became a tradition as the days faded into each other. Though she had never been an early riser, Winter discovered a new sense of purpose while basking in the golden California dawn from the comfort of their balcony. It was her time for reflection, planning, and peace. The productivity she felt during those first few hours would evaporate as the day progressed, so Winter made it her priority to make the most of it. Ophelia would join her on occasion. They would work together in comfortable silence, grateful for the support and company of the other.

It had been around a week since they had settled into their apartment and it was beginning to feel like a home. Decorating and unpacking was a slow process. Ophelia had more clothes than Winter had ever seen one person own, though she wasn't sure why this surprised her - fashion was Ophelia's outlet and passion. It was captivating to watch her design couture gowns and formal wear. Her portfolio was filled with red carpet worthy attire, and that was her goal. It was impressive to watch how easily Ophelia fit in. Between her outgoing personality and her incredible networking skills, she managed to snag some major deals with stylists in the area to jumpstart her career.

On the other hand, Winter found that it was more difficult than she expected. Leaving her family was like a hit to the stomach - it knocked the breath out of her. The first few days felt like she was treading water. It was only after watching her parent's car disappear into the horizon that reality sank in. This feeling was temporary and each morning, she would wake up feeling less anxious and more excited about her future on the west coast.

Winter worked tirelessly, devoting herself to her brand and her business with minimal reward. The market was saturated and it was difficult to stand out when her experience paled in comparison to the long time professionals. Her website visibility and SEO rankings were low - trying to overcome these obstacles alone occupied most of her day. Whenever doubt would creep in, she would remind herself that all of the work would be worth it when she finally secured that major A-list celebrity event. It was only a matter of time. But as the days passed, things didn't seem any closer to success.

Sunlight filled the patio with an effervescent glow as Winter sipped on a steaming cup of coffee. Folded legs and flowing robes were her morning staples while she lounged in the oversized chair. Her laptop was balanced precariously on the armrest, wobbling as Winter shifted in her seat to avoid the glare on her screen. The sound of the patio door opening notified her that Ophelia had joined her. "Morning!" Winter called over her shoulder.

"Don't remind me." From the sound of it, Ophelia wasn't fond of being awake at this hour.

Winter stifled a laugh. "Rough night?"

Ophelia tossed her head back with a bellowing groan. "That's putting it mildly. I don't think I slept a wink. I couldn't get my mind off of this difficult client who's stressing me out."

"I've been there." Wrinkling her nose at the thought, Winter faced Ophelia. "If anyone can handle them, it's you. You are the most capable designer I've ever met!"

"I'm the only designer you've ever met. But I digress - new day, new beginnings." She stretched before leaning onto the balcony railing and casting a playful grin to Winter. "But enough about me. How are things going for your business?"

A knot formed deep in her stomach as Ophelia unknowingly asked the question that haunted her. Her silence was a loud response.

"No change?"

Winter shook her head, grateful for the warm cup of coffee in her hands that helped to soothe her anxious soul. "My time will come. I just wish it would hurry up. Hopes and dreams don't pay the bills."

"We've only been here - what - two weeks? And you've booked a few events, right?" Ophelia nodded encouragingly. She was so optimistic.

"Yeah, a couple small scale events, but I'm waiting for that breakthrough moment."

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