Chapter 26 - Interruption and a happy family

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After a few more minutes of kissing we finally broke apart to catch our breath and when it happened we smiled at each other.

- I love you, Angie... I love you so much... - I whispered as I rested my forehead against hers - I'm not letting you go ever again!

- I love you too... - Angie smiled happily.

The happy smile I've missed so much. I'm so happy to see it again.

Then Shaun came closer to us again after Vilu let go of him and hugged me.

- Oh! - I gasped.

- Daddy!

As he said that I almost started crying and I hugged him tightly to me.

- Mommy talked a lot about you!

- Did she really? - I smiled as I looked up at Angie who was smiling and now crying in happiness.

I then let go of Shaun I looked at him in the eyes.

- I promise I'll make your mommy the happiest woman in the world. So will you allow me to take her as my wife?

Everyone gasped around us and I hear Olga crying out.

- Awww!! This is so cute!!!

- It is... - mumbled Ramallo and I could hear he was touched too.

- Of course!! - Shaun replied happily.

- Thank you - I grinned as I stood up, pulled Angie closer and kissed her passionately.

At the same time someone knocked on the door and Olga went to open it and the next moment I heard a scream from behind...

- German!

- Damnit... - I mumbled as we broke the kiss with Angie.

It was Priscilla who ran in.

- What the hell are you doing?! - she snapped at me.

- I'm kissing my fianceé.

- We were dating, weren't we?!

- I never said we're actually boyfriend and girlfriend. We were only on 3 dates so far, but I never said I want to continue!

- And you're choosing this ugly bitch instead of me?! - she screamed, referring to Angie who seemed to be hurt by that since they already have known each other because Priscilla is Ludmilla's mother.

- Okay, Priscilla... That's enough! - I hissed while I pulled Angie behind me - Don't insult Angie! She's the most beautiful woman I know and I love her so you're better leaving now!

Priscia stormed off angrily and when she finally disappeared Angie came in front of me and kissed me without any explanation, but I didn't need anything either. I just kissed her back.

I was so happy that everything bad is finally over and the family is together now... All of us...

Me... Angie... Vilu... The little Shaun... Olga... And Ramallo... A big, happy family...

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