Season 10 Chapter 8: Fall From Heaven

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Fade in to Pilot directing someone moving crates

Pilot: No, no. This one goes here, that one goes there.

Worker: Hmm.

Washington: So when are you and Benny gonna jump out of this thing.

York: Wrecked him? Damn near killed him.

North: York, how many times are we gonna have to listen to this story? Get a new one.

Mother of Invention Hangar A1 / Many Years Ago...

Washington: I hope the seatbelts are better.

York: So anyway, like I was saying -

Carolina: We ready?

Pilot: Just about, running final checks now.

Carolina: Alright you heard her, everyone on board.

Washington: Great.

North: Alright.

York: Come on D, let's go. It's about time, let's get this mission goin'.

Pilot: Whoa whoa, hang on a minute. What is that thing?

York: This is Delta, our new addition.

Pilot: Your new addition is pretty small.

Washington: I said the same thing.

York: Delta is a computer program. He helps us figure stuff out; he's an A.I.

Pilot: Oh A.I., huh? What's the A stand for?

York: Artificial.

Pilot: I know what the fuck it stands for! What's it doing here? Is this like one of those robots that takes people's jobs and puts them out of work?

York: I don't think so.

Pilot: What are you looking at I said put it over there, pay attention!

The worker moves his crate elsewhere

Carolina: Hey guys, get a move on.

Pilot: Hang on a minute. You, green guy. Do you know how to fly a plane?

Delta: No I do not.

Pilot: Oh, right, we're cool then. Everybody, on board.

Ghost: You change opinions fast.

Worker: Mm, mh, mmm.

Pilot: Not over there, over there- just quit screwin' around and put that thing back where you found it.

Worker: Uhh ughh.

Pilot: This is four seven niner, we are wheels up and engines hot. Leave the light on for us Command.

Command: Roger that four seven niner, good luck.

Pilot: Thanks Command, four seven niner out. Man, I would hate to have that guy's job.

Up up, and away! And we cut to the desert

Ancient Alien Temples / Present Day

Carolina: This where you found the body?

Washington: Yep. She's right up there.

Carolina: We'll see; take me there. Sync?

Ghost: Sync.

Washington: Sync.

Caboose: Automatic dishwasher.

The Freelancers run off together into the sunset

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