Season 10 Chapter 7: Oversight

Start from the beginning

C.T.: It's nothing. Come on.

Cut to the Mother of Invention

Counsellor: Congratulations Director, another successful test.

Director: A new fragment was harvested this morning, Counsellor. Find it a match.

Counsellor: This morning. That is ahead of schedule.

Director: Our time grows short. Find it a match.

Carolina: Director, Wyoming reported in.

Director: And?

Carolina: You won't like what he found, Sir.

Director: Agent Carolina, information never displeases me. It's ignorance that I find unforgivable. Report.

Carolina: It's like Ghost said, C.T. is with them.

Director: You know what to do. I do not need to remind you how valuable our technology is, Carolina.

Carolina: She doesn't have an A.I., Sir. And she wasn't exactly the best agent.

Director: C.T. will be an acceptable loss. But her armor must not fall into the wrong hands.

Carolina: I understand. Will we be the only force that's sent out on this mission, Sir?

Director: Leave personnel decisions to me, Agent. Just do your job. It's time to cut the head off the enemy once and for all.

Carolina: Yes Sir.

She looks at the board and sees Texas ahead of her still, and leaves

Cut to present day, with the Blues talking in front of the windmill

Tucker: So how do you even know this Carolina chick?

Church: Oh, Tex used to tell me stories.

Tucker: You mean tell Alpha stories.

U.N.S.C. Wind Power Facility / Present Day

Church: Oh yeah, I guess. You know, h-whatever. I-it's hard for me to know whose memory I'm in.

Caboose: Oh yeah, same thing happens to me with things I'm in. Like my helmet. That's why I wrote my name on the inside of it. I used my tongue. That was hard to do. Now I can't pronounce my p-gnai.

Tucker: So, how many, people are you?

Church: H-I don't know, a bunch I guess.

Tucker: Are they all assholes?

Church: Hyeah. A dozen different fragments, we all have the same shitty circle of friends. Lucky us.

Back to the past, where Theta is putting on a fireworks display for North

North: That's really great, Theta.

Theta: Thank you. I worked super hard on it.

South: Ugh.

York: Hey Theta. You mind if I talk to North for a second?

Theta: Uhh, okay.

York: Need you to shut down while we chat, okay? Delta too. You know, it's the rules.

Delta shuts down

Theta: North?

North: It'll be okay. I won't talk too long.

Theta: Alright.

Away goes Theta

North: What's up?

York: I need to ask you about something.

North: U- okay, shoot.

York: I need to ask you about the Alpha.

North: Where did you hear that word?

York: Same place you heard it. Up here.

Oh, he's pointing at his head, by the way. And Wash is there, with a drink with a silly straw in it

Washington: What's an Alpha?

York: Wash, are you eating inside your helmet?

Washington: Maybe. Delta said they got the helmet waste disposal out of beta, and that it would make my eating more efficient.

York: He-hah, and you believed that? Maybe he is getting more personable.

North: It's not an Alpha Wash, it's the Alpha. Theta thinks about him a lot - more than thinks, really, he's, he's obsessed.

York: Delta too. You know how all the units call each other brother? They call this one father. No, that's not right.

North: Creator.

York: Yeah...

Washington: I thought the Director would be their creator.

He's eating a banana now... With his helmet still on

York: Haven't you been paying any attention in class? A.I.s aren't created, they're copies of someone.

North: But our A.I.s are just fragments.

York: Which begs the question, where's the original?

Washington: So this Alpha thing is what, creates the fragments.

York: Jesus will you swallow for God's sake.

Washington: *swallow* It creates them?

Now he has an apple too. At least he's eating healthy. Grif could learn something from that

North: Yea- Theta isn't clear, it creates them or, something.

York: Yeah. It's the 'or something' part that has me worried.

Ghost: And it should.

North: Ghost?

Ghost: How about I tell you guys something but you can't react or anything.

York: Sure.

North: Ok.

Washington: (with food in his mouth) Got it.

Ghost: Swallow, your, food.

Washington: Sorry...

Ghost: Now, where do I begin...

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