{10} Spring Flowers

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As the snow melted the flowers blossomed, study sessions of two gradually become four then seven. Long hours were spent in the library until the group of rowdy sixth and seventh year boys were kicked out. The weather warmed, sun burning just a little bit hotter.

Renjun and Donghyuck stayed later than the rest, their study sessions becoming small hangouts. Long nights huddled in the depths of the library, the books having settled down for their own rest before the waves of students flooded into the area during the day.

Tonight was not much different from those nights. The Ravenclaw and Slytherin were sat inside the library, robes draped across the back of their seats. A potion splattered journal sat before them, Renjun once again assisting the sun-kissed boy with his studies. Long vine covered fingers flipped through the pages filled with different types of potions.

"Let's continue with another simple potion," the pink haired boy hummed softly, "how about a Calming Draught?"

Turning to the page containing the notes and instructions to properly brewing the potion. Renjun tapped his pointer finger against the page, above the sketches with different paints and colors giving the images life.

Shifting in his seat Donghyuck leaned forward, head resting on Renjun's shoulder, a soft yawn slipping past his lips. Raising a tan hand to his mouth he covered up the small noise, his eyes blinked the blurry drawings into focusing. Brain soaked in drowsiness he nodded, following Renjun's finger as it glides around the page point to different things.

Pressings of lavender and peppermint were adhered to the age near a drawing of a heart. Written in swoopy charcoal ink were their names. "What are the ingredients required to make the Calming Draught?" Ignoring the small flutter of his heart, Renjun pushed the bubbly and warm feeling in his stomach down. He had to focus.

Sighing with a small nod the brunette turned his head further down towards the book. Scanning over the ingredients his sleep-addled mind began to register the images and plant pressings. Fingers meeting the first pressing he blinked sluggishly, "uh, that would be lavender," dragging his finger to the heart drawing he squinted to read the swoopy handwriting. "Crocodile's heart. Wait, what?! What the hell? Why would someone use a poor animal's heart even if it is an asshole." A small laugh slipped past Renjun's mouth as his slurring words, the shoulder Donghyuck had rested his head on shaking from the laughter.

"They never clarified why they used a crocodile's heart, just that it's an essential ingredient to make sure the Calming Draught is effective." A small tap to the back of Donghyuck's head caused the boy to scrunch his nose and push his lips out into a pout, "I'm sure they harvest it from crocodiles that died from natural causes not murder."

His words weren't that comforting considering Renjun's choice of words, but Donghyuck appreciated the effort.

Another yawn escaped him despite his best efforts to mask it. The pink-haired male exhaled, "how about we end this session for tonight. It's the weekend tomorrow anyway, let's just go back to sleep." Donghyuck nodded once again, smiling to himself with a tired giggle.

"Thanks Injunnie~" The two boys rose their feet, Renjun pulled his robe on after which he assisted Donghyuck with putting his on. Drowsy giggles left Donghyuck as he leaned into Renjun's warmth, eyes hooded fighting to keep his eyelids from drooping shut.

Gathering his books the pinkette shoved them into his bag, slinging it over it shoulder. Turning to look at Donghyuck he noticed the brunette's eyes were trained on him. He was watching him with the dopiest smile, the corners of his lips quirked up in cutest grin. The older male has never seen Donghyuck when he was what the muggles call 'sleep-drunk'. In all honesty, the boy found it extremely cute and endearing.

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