{8} You're Not So Bad

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Books floated past two boys nestled in the furthermost corner of the library they could find. The fluttering of pages ambience as one student mentored another in Herbology. Dim candle light glowed throughout the menagerie of books, scriptures, letters and reports. Warm tones shifted with the movement of the flames across the two figures sitting in front of a desk covered in a few closed and opened Herbology books.

"It's not that difficult, Donghyuck." The soothing and soft voice of Renjun's brushed against the sun-kissed boy's ears.

Each tone sounded the slightest bit short of patronizing which elicited a small high-pitched whine from Donghyuck. His head met the dark aged and worn wooded desk with a dull thump. Quill clenched between his fist, despair rolled off his small frame. His bronze hair was messy from stress ridden fingers running through the fluffy locks.

Pitching his voice to a higher tone, Donghyuck rolled his head against the desk side to side, voice patronizing. "It's not that hard." Sarcasm dripped from each coated word. Head raising the tiniest bit, the rusty-brown haired boy looked up at Renjun through his thick lashes.

Sucking air through his teeth, the blush-pink haired male puffed his cheeks out in exasperation. "Okay, well how about we just start by going over what each plant is and its effects. Is that okay? Just take it slow."

Donghyuck whined once more but nodded in agreement, his head raising from the aged and browned book bound by leather. Renjun released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, a glimpse of a smile curving at his pale rouge lips, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Now, what is Aconite?" With a slim finger, Renjun pointed towards the purple budded flower drawn onto the parchment, the dark green leaves just behind the gentle hand that grazed the page.

The brunette's face pulled into a thoughtful frown, the Chinese male could see the cogs and wheels turning inside his head. Renjun was sure he could see steam funnel out of his ears from the building frustration Donghyuck had with his struggle with Herbology. "Uhum, isn't that like Wolfsbane, or Monkshood? That's like hella dangerous for canines."

A sharp gasp left Donghyuck's parted peach-colored lips scaring the daylights out of Renjun, the shorter boy jumping. "Does it harm werewolves, shit wait, aren't they called something weird like Animagus or whatever."

Snapping his jaw shut with his teeth clicking from the harsh movement, Donghyuck colored from the way Renjun was staring at him. Chocolate and honey eyes bore into his soul, the edges of Renjun's gaze feathered with a strange twinge of affection.

The fluttering of the books did not disturb the entranced boys, nor the soft chatter as a few students moved past their aisle eyes scanning the books with sharp eyes. "Yeah, you're right." Strands of slate blush hair fell into the boy's view, breaking his line of sight on the sun-honeyed boy. His pale hands furiously brushed his hair away, fingers buzzing with warmth.

Glancing down he saw the vines spread and curl around his wrist. The emerald-green plant wound through and laced along the fingers, tiny pink and peach buds appearing dotted along the stems. His palms hummed with the strange sensation like they were being held ever so gently, like he was made of glass. Flipping his hands over he saw a blossomed pink chrysanthemum residing within the palm of his hands. Renjun was flustered seeing the vines peep out from beneath the white cuffs of his shirt. Attempting to pull his hands into the sleeves of his robe, a warm tan hand grabbed his.

"It's still growing?" Perturbed Donghyuck tenderly turned over Renjun's hands. His thumbs smoothly tracing over the petals engraved into the soft skin of the pink haired male's hands.

Heart catching in his throat the older male nodded, his eyes never leaving the brunette's face who gazed at his hands with delicate interest. "Yeah, it's not really painful anymore." The Ravenclaw croaked out, voice grating against his vocal chords from strain. His body was tense and high strung, the muscles locking up unsure of what they were to be doing.

The rough texture of aged and weathered parchment became overwhelming as it rubbed against the back of Renjun's exposed wrists. His hands were splayed open with tan fingers pushing and pulling featherlight designs.

The poor boy was too caught up in watching Donghyuck's face to register that he was speaking. Rusty-brown hair glittered and gleamed beneath the cozy golden candlelight, his hair looked to be made of pure and precious gold. Gaze trailing down further he noticed the slight bump between the matching rusty-brown brows, the right one adorning a scar through the center of the tail end. Just below the right eye there lay three delicate moles in the perfect triangle. Renjun felt something warm bubble deep in his tummy, a fuzzy feeling taking over him. Eyes finally cascading down to his mouth and neck he saw the slight picker of his lips showing off a small pout, his chin dimpling slightly. Two freckles stood out on throat, a short and small trail leading to the collar of his shirt.

Blinking, Renjun pulled himself from his train of thought, the dazed faraway look that misted over his eyes disapating. "Huh? I'm sorry," he hesitated for a second "I spaced off."

Childlike giggles erupted from Donghyuck's throat, the happy laughter made Renjun flush a pretty pink, the flowers shifted to an ochre, symbolizing the comfort and happiness that the younger male had created within Renjun.


The Herbology teacher with a myriad of color in his hair was softly speaking to Johnny, his significant other when they had spotted the duo. Tiny knowing smiles curved at their lips. Ten tugged Johnny down to smoothly whisper "I remember when we went through that."

Small memories flashed past Ten's vision before he tenderly felt where the singular hibiscus flower resides with a gold and bronze string tied neatly around it. The flower was a familiar and welcome presence engraved into the skin resting just above Ten's left hipbone.

Johnny leant down and pressed a sweet kiss to Ten's forehead, hand lacing with the young Herbology teachers tugging him away from the two shy boys not that far away.

I'm alive! I apologize for this update being short but I hope you enjoyed it! I love you Lovelies very much!

I sincerely hope school and any form of education wasn't too difficult for any of you.

Have a good and lovely night/morning!

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