{6} Limerence Divination

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Smoke from the difference incenses wafted about the small room, students seated upon cushions around the low beat up wooden tables. Renjun's robe had been removed, neatly folded and placed next to him. The multiple warm bodies and incense had made the room warm and stuffy. His clothing clung to his slightly sweaty body, soft pink hair stick to the edges of his face. A peach flush skittered across his face, bringing a hand up the young male attempted to cool down.

Divination was about to start, the last of the students were trickling in. "Renjun-shi~" Hair sticking up on the back of his neck, the silky smooth and honeyed voice called to him.

The elder glanced over his shoulder, rolling them soft pops emitted from the tense limbs. "Ah, Donghyuck." Tone less sweet but not yet irritated or harsh, the pinkette turned away.

Soft giggles could be heard from a group of girls seated at a table behind them up a level. Renjun only rolled his eyes watching the younger male take the cushion on the opposite side of his table. The table had a simple faded violet, lapis, and rouge cloth over top, a kettle with tea cups resting atop the simple fabric. Fragrant teas swirled from the spout of each kettle, the steam curling and swishing from the movement in the air.

"Seems like we're partners today, Huang." The brunette cooed, elbows resting on the table head in hands. Slim tanned fingers tapped against his cheek in thought.

Renjun scoffed, looking towards the professors desk, his eyes trailed after the small white piece of chalk floating writing the lesson. He briefly glanced at Donghyuck, the boy was watching him with an intense expression honey eyes glittering with an unknown emotion.

"Y'know, I'm not as bad of a person as you think I am." Donghyuck paused, licking his lips nervously, this was the first time the younger had tried to be 'civil' with the elder boy.

Turning his head to the boy seated in front of him, he focused on the large parchment with different Tessomancy symbols and their meanings written on it. There were splatters of ink, a thin cover of dust coated the old paper. Renjun finally made eye contact with the younger boy, he noticed tendrils of exhaustion swirl within the honey iris'.

Frowning softly, Renjun exhaled, "I'm sure you aren't, but that doesn't mean I have to like you." At those words Donghyuck let out a noise of shock, opening and closing his mouth like a fish without water.

Before the distressed and extremely confused boy could snipe back at the boy, Professor Trelawney clapped her hands. The woman grinned at her class, the students quieted down as the lesson began. The lesson being Tessomancy, if the obvious teal pots and Tessomancy cups and saucers didn't make it obvious enough.

While Trelawney gave instructions to the third years, the two prefects drank their tea in silence. Donghyuck grinned slyly over the rim of his cup, his eyes glittered watching Renjun gently blow onto the hot tea. Earl Grey tea fluttered up from the cup in pleasant swirls of steam. The pinkette glanced around as he sipped his tea, the warmth sliding down his throat settling into the pit of his stomach. The flavor coating his tongue with a bitter bite, licking his chapped lips he sighed softly.

Hands craddling the cup, Renjun set it down, the warmth of the tea combined with the muggy and suffocating air of the room made him sweat. Sighing in frustration he rolled up his sleeves, fingers deftly loosening the buttons and rolling the sleeves into pristine lines. Donghyuck watched with interest, he spotted green vines with tiny partially yellow and blue chrysanthemums slightly peeked out from under the rolled up sleeves.

The brunette glanced up, he guessed Renjun had forgotten about the strange design that seemed to get bigger with each day. A sad pout subconsciously etched it's way onto his unmarred skin, his brows furrowing with his thoughts. Why did the elder not like him? What had he done to upset the other?

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