I walk back to my room and get a pair of black combat boots and my favorite mirrored sunglasses along with my phone, keys, and wallet. As I make my way through the kitchen to the elevator I catch a glance of Bucky playing and smiling with Steve.

I smile to myself and walk in the elevator. "Lobby, please Jarvis and will you get the yellow R8 to the front please and thank you?" "Right on it Miss Erin." Jarvis replies in his thick british accent. I smile and lean against the wall of the elevator as it descends.

I hear a ding and the doors start opening. I walk out of the elevator and wave at people as I make my way to the car. I open the door and climb in throwing most of my things in the passenger side.

I start the engine and speed off to some nice clothes stores. I stop at Calvin Klein and walk in. I love Calvin Klein, it's one of my favorite stores. I go to the underwear section and get multiple packages. I think I grabbed around seven or eight. I don't know I wasn't counting.

Time skip an hour later I got six t shirts, ten long sleeve, twenty pair of jeans, underwear, four pair of sweatpants, two packages of socks, and a bottle of cologne. Also I got me a couple pair of shorts, socks, and shirts.

I walk out with my three bags and pop the trunk to set them in there. I hop back in and race to Nike, another one of my favorites. I get out of the car and waltz in admiring the women's side but I tell myself this shopping spree is for Bucky not me and walk to the men's side.

I get him seven shirts, ten pair of shorts, three packages of socks, and running/training shoes, some expensive ones at that. As I'm still looking through the shoes I hear my phone ring. I fish it out of my pocket and answer.

"Hey Tasha." "Hey, Erin. Bucky wanted to talk to you." I chuckle. "Okay, put him on." She hands the phone to Bucky and his eyes light up once he sees me. "Hey Sugar." I coo. 'Mama home?' He asks hopefully. "Not yet honey, I'm still shoppin for ya. I'll be home in a minute okay?" He frowns. 'Where mama go?' "I'm at the store right now getting you some shoes Bear, I'm almost done. I have one more store after this and it'll only take a few minutes, promise." He pouts but nods.

"Hey Buck, it's time for you and Stevie to take a nap okay?" Natasha says softly. 'Kay, bye mama.' "Bye Sugar, sleep good." I hang up and continue looking for shoes. I glanced around and people were staring at me, I had no idea why until I realized Bucky can't speak vocally so people think I'm crazy now.

Ain't that just awesome. I finish off by getting him another pair of tennis shoes and pay for everything. I put everything in the trunk and plop down in the seat. "Okay, one more store. You can do this, you're a bad bitch you got this." I sound kind of nuts but it's working.

I start the car and drive to Target so I can get him the essentials and a couple of other things. I step out of the car and drag myself inside. I had so much motivation at the beginning of this and now I'm just drained of everything, I just want to take a nap. I get him a toothbrush and a hairbrush and some apple smelling shampoo and conditioner because it smells good and it's supposed to be good for this hair.

I throw those in the basket and get some deodorant. I walk back to the baby section and look at pacifiers, he already has the raccoon one so, I get him a red one with white stars and a light blue one with clouds.

That should be enough until I come back for food and end up buying him more. I keep looking and find WubbaNubs. Those are literally the cutest things ever. I look through them and find a penguin and a dragon.

I mentally squeal like a fucking teenager because I'm just like that and throw them in the basket. I also looked through a lot of really soft blankets and got a lot of them so we can put them around the floor and the littles can use them for naps or just because.

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 - 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now