Izuku: lets start with your name.

Toga: it's Himiko Toga.

Izuku: pleasure to meet you Toga, now why are you to stab me?

Toga: because I like the taste of blood.

Izuku: I see, and your quirk, is it vanishing?

Toga: no it isn't.

Izuku: (what) if it's not vanishing then dose it have to do with consuming blood?

Toga: yup, when I consume blood I can shape shift into that person.

Izuku: that is a incredible quirk. The possibilities are with that quirk are amazing.

Toga got a blush on her face and a giant smile. And I have to admit that she is quite beautiful.

Toga: you really think so, everyone including my parents think my quirk is creepy and disgusting. Especially since I need to drink blood to use it. You are the first person to saw anything nice about it. Thank you.

Izuku: you're welcome, but wait if your quirk isn't vanishing then how did you do that?

Toga: it's just a technique of mine.

As soon as I heard that I knew I needed to learn it, I also knew that my best bet for learning it was her. I needed to figure out a way to get her to teach me it. I think I know the best way for that too.

Izuku: Toga I would like to make a deal with you.

Toga: what deal?

Izuku: in exchange for letting you drink some of my blood when ever you need to I would like you to train me I gymnastics and teach me that vanishing technique.

Toga: (puts finger on chin and thinks for a second) ok I'll do that, but I also want you to be my friend, deal?

Izuku: deal.

After that I started a weird but rather nice friendship with Toga. After every training session I had with Toga she would always drink my blood. Surprisingly getting my blood drank by her wasn't that bad. It however did get awkward when she started to site on my lap and drink it out of my neck. We got a lot of awkward stairs when she did that, which was every time she needed blood.
After a year I was able to mast the vanishing technique and got just as good as Toga at gymnastics. But after I did mast what she taught me I had to move on to continue my training. I still take the time to hangout with Toga and it's nice when I do, she is starting to get a little more hands though and I don't truly know how I feel about that. I don't hate it, but I can't focus on that stuff right now. I have one more year left to train.
For this finale year I decided to go see a man by the name of Naomasa Tsukauchi, a man considered by most as the best detective in Japan. Getting him to let me shadow him and learn from him was hard. He was afraid that I might get hurt and he didn't want to  risk that. But when I keep coming back to ask him, he finally asked me why I am so insistent on learning from him. I told him my story, my promise, and my plans, to say he was surprised was a little bit of an understatement. But he liked my answer and started teaching me the ins and outs of the job.
I trained and studied detective skills under Tsukauchi for nine months. During that time my mother moved to America to be with relatives. She wanted me to go to but I decided to stay and train. Plus I still had one more form of training to do before I was ready for a hero college. And Tsukauchi is the perfect person to help me get started.

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